Departmental Personnel

Faculty Database

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Photo Name Expertise Department Edit Listing
No portrait available. Jim Allen Psychology
Portrait of Joan Ballard Joan Ballard Psychology
Terence Bazzett Psychology, Neuroscience
Portrait of Allison Bechard Allison Bechard Animal models, Addiction and Relapse, Experience-dependent development, Repetitive behavior, Transgenerational effects Psychology, Neuroscience
Whitney Brown Whitney Brown Emotion and emotion dysregulation, Patterns of and problems associated with cannabis use and alcohol use, The interplay between emotion and substance use Psychology
Portrait of Ganie DeHart Ganie B. DeHart Psychology
Jennifer Gibson Claire Gravelin Social Psychology, Marginalization Psychology, School of Arts and Sciences
Portrait of Jamie Gregg Jamie Gregg Psychology
Advisor Tacianna Indovina Psychology
Advisor Jennifer Katz Psychology
Dr. Katz Jennifer Katz Psychology, Women's and Gender Studies
Portrait of Steven Kirsh Steven J. Kirsh Developmental Psychology, Media Effects, Horror Psychology Psychology
Portrait of Michael Lynch Michael Lynch Psychology
Portrait of Vince Markowski Vincent Markowski Psychology, Neuroscience
Portrait of Christine "Tina" Merrilees Christine Merrilees Developmental Psychology, Peace Studies, Quantitative Methods, Resilience, Political Conflict Psychology
Portrait of Karen Mooney Karen S. Mooney Psychology
Portrait of Jeff Mounts Jeffrey Mounts Visual Processing, Attention, Cognitive Psychology Psychology, Neuroscience
No portrait available. Chastity Murray Psychology
Portrait of Jason Ozubko Jason Ozubko Psychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Science
Advisor Nicholas Palumbo Psychology
Portrait of Matthew Pastizzo Matthew Pastizzo Psychology of Language, Psycholinguistics Psychology, Linguistics
Advisor Sara Piscani Psychology
Portrait of Monica Schneider Monica Schneider Psychology
G-STEMS PI and Co-PIs Anjoo Sikka Psychology
Dr. Tara Sweet Tara B. Sweet biophysics, neuroscience, physiology Biology, Psychology, Neuroscience
Portrait of Bradley Taber-Thomas Bradley C. Taber-Thomas Psychology, Neuroscience
No portrait available. Timothy Tomczak Psychology
Image of Cassie van Stolk-Cooke Cassie van Stolk the bidirectional relationship between social support and PTSD Psychology
Advisor Amy Wade Psychology