Area of Interest
Educational Psychology

Curriculum Vitae
M.A., State University of New York, Geneseo
PSYC 251: Intro to Behavioral Res Method
A systematic study of the principles of research design and methods. Topics include scientific methods of descriptive, correlational, basic experimental, quasi-experimental, and single-subject approaches, issues of validity and experimental control, ethical considerations, and skills in accessing and using psychological literature, critical reading, and scientific writing using American Psychological Association style.
PSYC 260: Intro to Psychopathology
This course offers a framework for understanding maladaptive behavior focused on the symptoms, causes, and treatment of a range of psychopathology, including anxiety, personality, mood, psychophysiologic, schizophrenic, and substance abuse disorders. Each disorder is considered through a comparison of biological, psychological, and sociocultural viewpoints on the causes and treatment of abnormal behavior. Current research issues as well as legal and ethical issues related to the assessment and treatment of abnormal behavior are discussed.