Cassie van Stolk

Assistant Professor of Psychology
Bailey 117

Cassie van Stolk has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2023.

Office Hours

  • Mondays and Wednesdays 10:20-11:20

Research Interests

I research mental health problems within the context of close relationships. I am specifically interested in the role that close significant others (e.g., friends, family members, romantic partners) can play in helping their loved ones recover from traumatic stress.
My broad research interests include:
  • the bidirectional relationship between social support and PTSD
  • Concerned Significant Other experiences
  • PTSD treatment and prevention
  • technology-facilitated research and intervention methods

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Psychopathology
  • Introduction to Clinical Psychology
  • Psychology of the Digital Everywhere
  • Research Methods
Image of Cassie van Stolk-Cooke

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, The University of Vermont

  • B.A., English, Barnard College of Columbia University

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford University School of Medicine

  • Predoctoral Internship, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Healthcare System


  • A list of my peer-reviewed publications can be found on .