Research Interests
- Emotion and emotion dysregulation
- Patterns of and problems associated with cannabis use and alcohol use
- The interplay between emotion and substance use

Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Missouri, 2014
B.A., Psychology & English, Colgate University, 2007
Selected Publications
Prince, M. A., Jenzer, T., Brown, W. C., Hetelekides, E. M., Mumm, R. A., & Collins, R. L. (2019). Examining cannabis protective behavioral strategy use using multiple methods. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 19, 295-305.
Testa, M., Derrick, J.L., Wang, W., Brown, W. C., & Collins, R. L., (2019). Does morning affect contribute to daily cannabis use? Addictive Behaviors, 95, 64-69.
Brown, W. C., Wang, W., & Testa, M. (2018). Alcohol and marijuana use in undergraduate males: Between-and within-person associations with interpersonal conflict. Cannabis, 1, 48-59.
Bradizza, C., Brown, W.C., Ruszczyk, M., Dermen, K., & Stasiewicz, P.R. (2017). Difficulties in emotion regulation in treatment-seeking alcoholics with and without co-occurring mood and anxiety disorders. Addictive Behaviors, 80, 6 -13.