Office Hours
No Appointment Necessary: MW 10-11; TR 9:30-10:30
Email me to schedule an alternative time.

Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, 1993, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Selected Publications
Kirsh, S. J. & Mounts, J. R. W. (2024). Violent video game play and (de)sensitization to threat. Aggressive Behavior, 50(6), e70003.
Kirsh, S. J. (2019). Parenting in the zombie apocalypse: The psychology of raising children in a time of horror. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc.
Kirsh, S. J., Duffy, K. G., & Atwater, E. (2014). Psychology for living: Adjustment, growth, and behavior today (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Kirsh, S. J. (2012). Children, adolescents, and media violence: A critical look at the research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Kirsh, S. J. (2010). Media and youth: A developmental perspective. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers Inc.
- HONR 203: Developmental Disney
- HONR 203: Parents vs. Zombies
- HONR 203: Superheroes
- PSYC 100: Introductory Psychology
- PSYC 215: Child Development
- PSYC 321: Children and the Media
- PSYC 321: Children, Adolescents, & Media Violence
- PSYC 390: The Psychology of Horror
- PSYC 452: Attachment
- PSYC 452: Media Effects
- PSYC 452: Media Violence
HONR 203: Topic: The Musical
This seminar offers an introduction to a topic or set of topics of social relevance as addressed by the social sciences. Typical subtitles might be: Nature versus Nurture, Intepreting the Bell Curve, or The Trap of Poverty. As a core course, it should engage all students and will not assume any prior knowledge of the discipline(s) involved. As a seminar, the class will focus on a lively discussion and analysis of the issues. May be repeated more than once only with permission from director of the Honors Program. Prerequisites: HONR 202 or permission of program director. Offered once per year
PSYC 100: Introductory Psychology
An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and cognitive processes. Topics include the biological basis of behavior, perception, learning, memory, thinking, human development, emotion, psychological disorders and social psychology.
PSYC 452: Adv Res: Media Effects
A selected-topic seminar that integrates, at an advanced level, a particular content area with its appropriate literature, research methods, and statistics. In the course of study of the selected issue, students review literature, design research, collect data, analyze and interpret results, and produce both oral and written reports.