Matthew Pastizzo has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2003.
Areas of Interest
- Cognitive Psychology
- Psycholinguistics
Research Interests
- Psycholinguistics. In particular, word frequency, statistical regularity in word structure, and the study of factors that influence visual word recognition.
- visual word recognition
- the representation of words in memory
- vocabulary acquisition

Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology, SUNY Albany, 2003
M.A., Cognitive Psychology, SUNY Albany, 2001
B.A., Psychology, Siena College, 1999
黑料网 since Fall 2003
Recent Courses Taught
Psychology of Language
Research Methods
Selected Publications
Pastizzo, M.J., & Feldman, L.B. (2009). Multiple dimensions of relatedness among words: Conjoint effects of form and meaning in word recognition. The Mental Lexicon, 4:1, 1-25.
Pastizzo, M.J., Neely, J.H., & Tse, C.-S. (2008). With a letter-searched prime, boat primes float but swim and coatdon't: Further evidence for automatic semantic activation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 845-849.
Hughes, S., Pastizzo, M.J., & Gallup, G. (2008). The sound of symmetry revisited: Subjective and objective analyses of voice. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 32, 93-108.
Pastizzo, M.J., & Carbone, R.F. (2007). Spoken word frequency counts based on 1.6 million words in American English. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 1025-1028.
Pastizzo, M.J. & Feldman, L.B. (2004). Morphological processing: A comparison between free and bound stem facilitation. Brain and Language, 90, 31-39.