Matthew Pastizzo

Associate Professor of Psychology and Director for Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Erwin 220A

Matthew Pastizzo has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2003.

Areas of Interest

  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Psycholinguistics

Research Interests

  • Psycholinguistics. In particular, word frequency, statistical regularity in word structure, and the study of factors that influence visual word recognition.
  • visual word recognition
  • the representation of words in memory
  • vocabulary acquisition


Portrait of Matthew Pastizzo

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology, SUNY Albany, 2003

  • M.A., Cognitive Psychology, SUNY Albany, 2001

  • B.A., Psychology, Siena College, 1999


  • 黑料网 since Fall 2003

Recent Courses Taught

  • Psychology of Language

  • Statistics

  • Research Methods

Selected Publications

  • Pastizzo, M.J., & Feldman, L.B. (2009). Multiple dimensions of relatedness among words: Conjoint effects of form and meaning in word recognition. The Mental Lexicon, 4:1, 1-25.

  • Pastizzo, M.J., Neely, J.H., & Tse, C.-S. (2008). With a letter-searched prime, boat primes float but swim and coatdon't: Further evidence for automatic semantic activation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 845-849.

  • Hughes, S., Pastizzo, M.J., & Gallup, G. (2008). The sound of symmetry revisited: Subjective and objective analyses of voice. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 32, 93-108.

  • Pastizzo, M.J., & Carbone, R.F. (2007). Spoken word frequency counts based on 1.6 million words in American English. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 1025-1028.

  • Pastizzo, M.J. & Feldman, L.B. (2004). Morphological processing: A comparison between free and bound stem facilitation. Brain and Language, 90, 31-39.