Faculty Internal Funding Programs

Summer Fellowships

Establish a research program or complete a significant project

Presidential Summer Faculty Fellowships

Untenured tenure-track faculty members are eligible to apply for .  Applicants must also be returning for the academic year following the fellowship. Recipients who submit a grant proposal to an external agency within one year of the fellowship period will receive an additional $500 award for research expenses. Presidential Summer Fellowships are supported by an allocation of indirect cost revenues. Application deadline: February 3, 2025, 8:00 a.m.

Geneseo Foundation Summer Faculty Fellowships and Roemer Summer Faculty Fellowship

The Geneseo Foundation Summer Faculty Fellowships and Roemer Summer Faculty Fellowship supports the research and creative projects of Geneseo faculty who are tenured. These $4,000 - $5,000 fellowships are intended to enable completion of a significant project or to embark in a new direction. It is expected that the scholarly progress of this work, in some disciplines, will lead to external funding. These fellowships are funded by The Geneseo Foundation and by an endowment gift to The Geneseo Foundation from the late Dr. Spencer Roemer. Application deadline: February 3, 2025, 8:00 a.m.

Research Development and Scholarly Support

Proposal Writing Support Award

The Proposal Writing Support Award provides full-time faculty members with time or other support to write major proposals for submission to external funding agencies. Individual faculty members may request reassigned time for one course, summer salary, or other forms of support, or a combination of these as described in the guidelines, to support the writing of either: 1) new proposals, or 2) significant revisions of previously submitted proposals. Collaborating teams of faculty members may also apply for awards. Proposal Writing Support Awards are funded by The Geneseo Foundation. Application deadlines are September 16, 2024 and February 17, 2025, 8:00 a.m.

Research Development Awards

Provide support for a wide variety of needs associated with developing research and scholarly projects leading to proposals to external sponsors. Funds may be requested for equipment, supplies, software, services, research assistants, or reassigned time from one course. Maximum award is $1,000 or one course reassignment. Research Development Awards are funded by an allocation of indirect cost revenues by the College. Application deadlines are September 2, 2024 and January 27, 2025, 8:00 a.m.

Incentive Grants

Intended to encourage and support faculty initiatives in research and fund pilot studies, completion of manuscripts, data analyses, bibliographic or archival searches, and creative work. Travel to archives, libraries, and laboratories is also supported. Awards are limited to $1,000. Incentive Grants are funded by The Geneseo Foundation. Application deadlines are September 2, 2024, and January 27, 2025, 8:00 a.m.  The first deadline of the 2025-26 year is April 28, 2025, 8:00 a.m.

Pre-Tenure Faculty Research Support Grants

In an effort to assist tenure-track faculty whose research and scholarly work was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Research Council has established a small grants program for tenure-track faculty who have not yet submitted their tenure package. At each deadline all tenure-track faculty members who have not yet submitted their tenure package are eligible for a base amount of $250. In their application, faculty may also request up to an additional $250 if needed, but these extra requests may be reviewed and voted on by the Research Council.  Awards will be limited to $500 per person until the two established deadlines have passed. If funds remain after the second deadline, an additional call for applications will be issued and all pre-tenure, tenure-track faculty will be able to apply, even if they have already received the $500 maximum. Pre-Tenure Faculty Research Support Grants are funded by The Geneseo Foundation. Application deadlines are: September 30, 2024, and February 24, 2025, 8:00 a.m.

Travel Programs

Faculty Travel Grants

Awarded to formal participants at professional meetings, conferences, showings, or performances. Participation is defined as presenting a paper or poster, organizing a session, serving as a discussant, or giving an invited performance or gallery showing. The maximum total annual award (for the summer-fall-spring year cycle) is $1,000 for presentations within the U.S./Canada (excluding Hawaii); or $1,200 for travel to Hawaii or outside the U.S./Canada. Effective with the 2024-25 year, faculty members may apply for one additional Faculty Travel Grant if they will accompany students to the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), the COPLAC Northeast Regional Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Conference (NEURSCA), the SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC) or the SUNY Graduate Student Research Conference. Note that if any of these conferences are held in our region support may be provided though other means. Faculty Travel Grant Awards are funded by The Geneseo Foundation. Application deadlines are September 2, 2024, and January 27, 2025.  The first deadline of the 2025-26 travel year is April 28, 2025, 8:00 a.m.

Incentive Grants

Intended to encourage and support faculty and graduate student initiatives in research. Travel to conduct research at archives, museums, libraries, and laboratories is also supported. Awards are limited to a maximum of $1,000. Faculty may request an additional $500 if they involve a student on the project (total maximum award $1,500). Incentive Grants are funded by The Geneseo Foundation. Application deadlines are September 2, 2024, and January 27, 2025, 8:00 a.m.  The first deadline of the 2025-26 year is April 28, 2025, 8:00 a.m.


Research Discretionary Allocations

Support activities leading directly to external fundable projects. Funding is provided for expenses connected with the development of proposals, including communication and travel, to meet with sponsor representatives and for other costs of research development. Funded by an allocation from the President. Application is at any time by contacting the Director of Sponsored Research.

Indirect Cost Return Awards

Return part of the indirect costs, recovered in the previous fiscal year, to the project director. These funds are to be used for research expenses not covered by budgeted costs. Allocations are made on the basis of the amount of indirect costs recovered.

Publication Charge Allocations

Covers some costs of faculty publications in journals with mandatory page or reprint charges. Request from the Director of Sponsored Research when needed.  Publication charges may be supported by funds from The Geneseo Foundation or via indirect cost return allocations.

Matching Funds

These are for various grant programs and are arranged through the department chair and the Office of the Provost. Project directors are advised to make arrangements for matching funds well in advance of the application deadline.