Faculty Incentive Grants and Research Development Awards
Faculty Incentive Grants and Research Development Awards 2024-25
The Research Council administers several programs to provide support for a wide variety of needs associated with developing and supporting research, creative, scholarly, and public service projects. These programs are intended to encourage faculty to participate in their professional activities and to involve their students in research or performance.
Activities supported may include pilot studies, completion of manuscripts, data analyses, bibliographic or archival searches, and creative work. Funds may be requested for equipment, supplies, software, services, research assistants, reassigned time for one course and other costs incidental to research and publication or to performance and exhibition. Incentive Grants and Research Development Awards also fund travel to conduct research (e.g. travel to libraries, archives, and laboratories).
Funds from these programs may not be used to supplement faculty income.
NOTE: projects that received prior funding from these programs are assigned a lower priority if more applications are received than can be funded.
For 2024-25 there are two primary programs under this umbrella:
Incentive Grants that award a maximum of $1,000 are supported by The Geneseo Foundation. Travel to conduct research and scholarly or creative activities is supported. Faculty may request an additional $500 if they support a student on the project (maximum award $1,500). Students receiving wages for work as research assistants on Incentive Grants will be hired according to standard student employment policies and procedures.
DEADLINES: September 2, 2024; January 27, 2025; April 28, 2025 (first deadline of the 2025-26 year); 8 am
Research Development Awards provide a maximum of $1,000 or one course reassignment. Applicants must also show that these awards will form the basis for a larger project that has the potential to attract external funding. Travel to conduct research and scholarly or creative activities is supported. Funded by an allocation of indirect cost revenues.
DEADLINES: September 2, 2024; January 27, 2025; 8 am
RUBRICS: The Research Council has developed a Rubric for Incentive Grant application review and a Rubric for Research Development Award application review that may be useful in preparing your application.
TO APPLY prepare the following components:
1. Maximum 5 page narrative describing your project, including:
- Project timetable
- Detailed budget
- Expected results
- Results of prior support. If you received a grant(s) from the Incentive Grant/Research Development Award Programs in the past three years, please list the title of the project(s), the amount(s) awarded, and briefly describe what you accomplished as a result of this support for each award. Further, if you have received prior support for this specific project from any Research Council program, please explain how the prior support you received furthered the project and what is left to do.
2. Your CV.
Additional Requirements for Research Development Awards
- Outline your plans for eventually applying for external funds. Include the sponsor, specific program and application deadline.
- If a faculty member is applying for a Research Development Award Course Reassignment, they are responsible for notifying their Chair of the application. The applicant should request that their Chair email Anne Baldwin (baldwina@geneseo.edu) a statement saying that they 鈥淗ave been informed of and support {applicant鈥檚 name}鈥檚 Research Development Award application for a 3-credit course reassignment for the {Fall/Spring, Year} semester.鈥