Proposal Development

Through the Office of Sponsored Research, Geneseo faculty and staff members have access to a large variety of support programs and services related to development of proposals for grants and fellowships. These include seed funding for pilot projects and proposal development, assistance in identifying sponsors and funding opportunities, identification of possible collaborators, support for proposal writing and budget development, funds for professional development related to proposal development and sponsor visits, and full assistance with on-line applications and submissions. Please explore our pages or contact Anne Baldwin.

is a YouTube channel with 28 modules. Most modules are less than 10 minutes long and topics range from how to find funding to managing the grant.  

Orientation to Proposal Development and Sponsored Programs Brochure is a downloadable and printable brochure with searchable links to specific YouTube modules.

 of Orientation to Proposal Development and Sponsored Programs is a dowloadable PDF. It contains many links to resources related to proposal development. 

More Information & Assistance

Proposal Development & Preparation
How to Find Funding
Proposal Writing Support Awards
College Support for Faculty Members
Travel Support for Grants/ Undergraduate Research Workshops
External Fellowships

Approval Form

All proposals require a completed approval form.

Approval form (docx)
Approval form

Proposal submission begins by contacting the Office of Sponsored Research.