Faculty Travel Grants

The Faculty Travel Grants Program is designed to support the costs of faculty travel to conferences and professional meetings to make formal presentations, exhibits, or performances, involving their research, scholarship, or creative activities. The program is supported by The Geneseo Foundation and funded by private contributions. The Geneseo Foundation and the College Senate recognize that support for travel is an important concern for faculty, and this program is designed to encourage and help support participation in professional meetings.

Application deadlines are September 2, 2024 and January 27, 2025. The first deadline for the 2025-26 travel year is April 28, 2025


  1. Grants will be made to formal participants at professional meetings, conferences, showings, or performances. Participation is defined as presenting a paper or poster, organizing a session, serving as a discussant, or giving an invited performance or gallery showing.
  2. The maximum total annual award (for the summer-fall-spring fiscal year cycle) is $1,000 for presentations within the U.S./Canada (excluding Hawaii); or $1,200 for travel to Hawaii or outside the U.S./Canada.
  3. Effective with the 2024-25 year, faculty members may apply for one additional Faculty Travel Grant if they will accompany students to the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), the COPLAC Northeast Regional Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Conference (NEURSCA), the SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC), or the SUNY Graduate Student Research Conference. Note that if any of these conferences are held in our region support may be provided though other means. Contact Anne Baldwin, baldwina@geneseo.edu, if you have questions.
  4. Requests for funds to conduct research (e.g. field work, trips to libraries or archives) will NOT be considered.
  5. The funding year will be divided into three funding periods in the following order: summer, fall, and spring. Each period will have its own deadline for applications. The first deadline of each year falls in April, which is considered the "Summer" deadline.  Generally this deadline is for travel that occurs during mid-June or later, and you will receive an award from which you can seek reimbursement after July 1st, which is the start of the new fiscal year {see note below regarding late spring applications}. The 2024-25 Summer deadline is 04/22/24, the deadline for the Fall 2024 semester is 09/2/2024 and the deadline for the Spring 2025 semester is 01/27/2025. The first (Summer) deadline for the 2025-26 year is 04/28/25. Note on late spring applicationsIf you have not already used your award funds for the year and wish to apply at the April deadline for conference travel that will be completed by approximately mid-June, you can, but you will be given an award that must be used before the end of the fiscal year (June 30th).  If your travel will be completed after mid-June, you will be given an award to be used in the new fiscal year (after July 1st). Please check with Anne Baldwin, baldwina@geneseo.edu, if you are unsure about when to apply. Deadlines will be enforced to enable prompt review of applications after the closing date. If you have not yet received notification that your presentation has been accepted, you should still apply at the appropriate deadline and confirmation of your acceptance can be provided later.
  6. In the event that the Research Council has insufficient funds to award all eligible requests in an application round, funds will be awarded at a percentage rate equal to the total available funds divided by the total amount of approved requests.
  7. All funds will be maintained and dispersed by the Geneseo Foundation. Appropriate receipts must be submitted to the Geneseo Foundation before reimbursement.
  8. You cannot use your State-issued travel card (JP Morgan Chase) for expenses that will be reimbursed by this grant.
  9. Travel plans and reimbursement requests should reasonably reflect the formal conference dates and start/end times, inclusive of conference-related activities that occur pre- and post-conference.