Study Abroad Experiences: Geography and Sustainability Studies
GEOG 269: Geographic Field Studies in Western Canada (2016)
See from this field studies trip.
The Department of Geography and Sustainability Studies encourages students to enroll in a study abroad experience. Studying abroad can allow students to acquire and improve language skills, learn first-hand about faraway peoples and places, develop new perspectives of themselves and others, and pursue career-enhancing international experiences.
Faculty members have been directly involved in study abroad/away courses in Argentina, Puerto Rico, Western Canada, and Ghana. The Department also has a longstanding exchange agreement with the Faculty of Spatial Sciences at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, where students can spend a month, semester, or academic year.
There are also numerous study abroad opportunities available through other SUNY campuses. Whether it is a short- or long-term study abroad program, the Department of Geography and Sustainability Studies urges students to consider doing part of their college degree in another country. Please feel free to speak with faculty members about study abroad opportunities, or visit the Office of International Programs.