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Geography & Sustainability Studies

Geography and Sustainability Studies

One of the nation's most successful liberal arts-based geography and sustainability studies programs, the Department of Geography and Sustainability Studies at SUNY Geneseo offers a Bachelor of Arts degree and minor in , a Bachelor of Arts degree and minor in , and administers a minor degree program in and a Microcredential in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

The focusing on understanding the spatial distribution of human and physical phenomena, and on the complexities of human environment interactions. The major provides students with a diverse education spanning the natural and social sciences. It also focuses on development of spatial analysis skills, including geospatial technology training in Cartography and GIS. The major delivers skills pertinent to the pursuit of graduate studies or employment in a range of geography-related fields. Please explore our website to learn more.

The immerses students in the three pillars of sustainability: society, economy, and environment. Through interdisciplinary coursework, the major focuses on the connections that exist between social equity, economy, and environmental problems, and it builds student understanding of sustainable solutions that meet the present and future needs of people and the biosphere. The major provides students with skills needed to pursue graduate studies or employment in a range of sustainability-related fields. Please explore our website to learn more.

In 2018, the Department of Geography and Sustainability Studies was awarded the Bachelors Program of Excellence by the American Association of Geographers (AAG).

The department's eight full-time faculty welcomes students, alumni, and friends to our website. For more information, visit the .

Bailey Hall on the Geneseo Campus

Bailey Hall, home of Geography and Sustainability Studies.

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Contact Us

Department of Geography and Sustainability Studies
Bailey Hall 227
One College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: (585) 245-5238
Fax: (585) 245-5180