
CAS partners with , a premier provider of innovative and enticing vending, to provide vending services to the Geneseo campus. Vending machines are located throughout the campus in academic buildings, residence halls, and athletic buildings. All campus vending machines are equipped with card readers to accept Retail Dollars (a separate account on your meal plan), Campus Cash (an optional account that you can choose to open), FAST Account (an account available to faculty and staff), Apple/Google/Samsung Pay, and Credit Card. A maximum of $50 in Retail Dollars can be spent per day on vending services. This is to protect students who may have had their student ID lost or stolen. There is no maximum spending on other forms of payment.


The machines on campus are stocked with the most popular national brands, regional favorites, and some contain local offerings. There are also select Taste of NY vending machines dedicated to foods and beverages made in New York State! These are currently available in Onondaga and Seneca residence halls.


All vending machines on campus are equipped with VendMisers, which power down the vending machines after periods of inactivity and turn the lights off when the room is inactive. This innovative solution conserves tremendous amounts of energy. All unused machines are shut down completely during the summer. We are also migrating to aluminum-only bottles within our available vending selections, starting with Milne Library.

Smart Vending— Swipe, Grab, and Go!

Smart vending provides a wide range of healthy, fresh, and local gourmet food options. Smart vending technology is based on either a weight sensing plate or an RFID tag reader. These technologies allow consumers to walk up to a fixture, present payment, take items from the shelf, and walk away. The charge for the items taken is applied to the shopper's account which receives an email receipt detailing the purchase. Our Easy Meals—24/7 On-The-Go machines, which are located in Letchworth and Red Jacket, are stocked with a selection of foods for any time of day. Breakfast foods, sandwiches, sweet treats, and comfort foods are just some of the available options. Campus ID Cards will allow access into the building to use these machines.

Costa Coffee—It's not vending, it's a Smart Café

Located in Market North (Letchworth), Doty Hall, ISC (main lobby) and Schrader (main lobby), our Costa Coffee Smart Café machines offer barista-quality beverages with over 200 varieties, including espresso, Americano, hot chocolate, and milk coolers made with all-natural flavorings. 100% real beans and 100% real milk served at the touch of a button! The coffee beans are from Rainforest Alliance Farms, with a commitment to responsible sourcing, and improving communities where coffee is grown.

This machine accepts Retail Dollars, Campus Cash, FAST Account, Credit Cards, Apple/Google/Samsung Pay.


Report Vending Issues

Crickler Vending
Call toll free: 1.888.284.6302
Text: 585.455.6181

Be sure to have a machine reference number when submitting an issue or request.