Dining at Geneseo with Food Allergies

Campus Auxiliary Services is committed to accommodating your individual dietary needs. Please to meet our Nutrition & Wellness Manager, Heather Carrera, DCN, MS, CNS, CDN, to understand how we can make your campus dining experience safe and enjoyable.

Dietary Accomodations

Allergen Symbols

All of our menus are labeled for easy identification of common allergens and diets. Follow these labels (below), and if you have any concerns, check with your server, chef, chef manager or contact our nutrition & wellness manager. Whether you're allergic to one of the top nine allergens (wheat, dairy, soy, egg, tree nuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish, sesame) or another allergy, we can help you. We provide allergen icons next to each menu item as well as additional allergens such as soy, egg, and sesame on our online menus


Food Allergies and Intolerances

If you have a food allergy or specialized diet, it is important to  to develop a plan that meets your needs. If needed, an emergency plan will be developed so that you are prepared in the event of an allergic reaction on campus. Many menu items can be altered to fit your dietary needs with simple preparation changes. If cross-contamination with an allergen at the point of service is a concern, a menu item can be taken from the kitchen before it is brought out for service. 

When discussing food allergies and intolerances, many will use these terms interchangeably. While the symptoms of food allergies and intolerances can be similar, they have very different causes and origins.

A food allergy is characterized by the body's immune system recognizing food as a foreign antigen, or invader, and making antibodies to defend against that food. An allergic reaction to a food can be immediate and life-threatening, presenting a range of reactions from tongue swelling and anaphylaxis to digestive symptoms such as vomiting.

An anaphylactic reaction requires immediate medical attention. Anaphylaxis involves itchy eyes, difficulty swallowing or breathing, and throat swelling. If you or someone else is experiencing these symptoms, call 911.

It is important to familiarize yourself with words commonly associated with your food allergy so that you can identify them on menus and ingredient labels. There are many culinary terms that can signify allergens, so when in doubt, it is best to ask one of our chefs or chef managers.

Food intolerances are not as life-threatening as food allergies, but may cause severe symptoms that can last days or weeks. Dining services understand the severity of food intolerances and will work with you to meet your needs. Students should inform health services of their food allergies and medications by contacting Lauderdale Health Center at 585.245.5736

Peanut and Tree Nut Allergies

Our mission is to provide the highest quality dining experience for our diverse campus and guests. With an increase in nut allergies within the Geneseo campus and across the country, we are taking extra precautions to minimize exposure in our facilities.

As we evaluate our policies and procedures surrounding nut allergies, we have made the decision to remove peanut and tree nuts from our kitchens and recipes. Thank you for understanding.

Milk Allergies and Lactose Intolerance

A milk allergy is an allergy to the protein, casein, or whey found in all milk products. Those with a milk allergy cannot ingest any milk protein without experiencing an allergic reaction and must be diligent in avoiding all sources of milk protein. Dairy alternatives include soy milk, coconut milks, and rice milks. Lactose intolerance occurs when the body produces insufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to digest lactose, the primary sugar found in dairy products.

Lactose intolerance varies from person to person. Some people can digest smaller servings of lactose, such as the amount of lactose in 4 ounces, or half a glass, of milk or about the amount found in one scoop of ice cream. Others can tolerate very little lactose in their diet. However, it is a myth that people with lactose intolerance should avoid dairy altogether. Lactose-free milk is an acceptable alternative to milk for individuals with lactose intolerance.

Often, people with lactose intolerance can tolerate breads, baked goods, and other foods that are processed with milk. Many individuals with lactose intolerance can tolerate cultured dairy foods such as yogurt and cheese because these foods are naturally lower in lactose than other dairy products. The "DF" symbol found on menus in restaurants & cafes, online, and on the packaging of grab-and-go items signifies that a menu item does not contain any dairy ingredients.

On campus, all menu items that are marked "DF" are also lactose-free, therefore lactose-free individuals can utilize this symbol to find lactose-free menu options. 

Nutrition Resources

Dietary Needs

Contact Info

Nutrition & Wellness Manager, Heather Carrera, DCN, MS, CNS, CDN
Phone: 585.245.5569
Email: carrera@geneseo.edu