Theatre and Dance: Internet Resources


  • International Arts Resources, including arts advocacy and arts in education
  • puts New York artists, donors, and audiences in touch with each other. Provides artists with grant information and other funding sources.
  • -- available to students and alumni. E mail or see Nikki for our password.
  • : Accrediting agencies for arts programs in colleges and universities: National Association of Schools of Art and Design, National Association of Schools of Dance, National Association of Schools of Music, National Association of Schools of Theatre.
  • ArtSearch

Theatre Internet Resources

  • -- Playbill has everything from tickets and reviews to fun information on the industry and networking forums. Theatre Central, housed on the Playbill site, is an Information Clearinghouse on Professional and Educational Theatre
  • , serving the not-for-profit theatre community; includes ArtSEARCH periodical of job and internship listings and publishes American Theatre. E mail or see Nikki for our password for ArtSEARCH.
  • National professional organization of theatre educators at college level
  • Professional organization for theatre technicians, plus designers and those working in academia
  • is an information resource on past and present Broadway productions; it also sells tickets
  • national theatre honor fraternity: Geneseo's zeta nu chapter welcomes theatre, musical theatre and dance students with high GPA's and a history of outstanding service to their art forms at Geneseo

Auditions in Theatre and Musical Theatre

All of the following auditions are for Non-Equity work, both summer stock and regular season. They all audition large numbers of performers and provide interviews for design/tech jobs. Many have a history of gaining our current and former students employment.

  • for summer stock companies
  • South Eastern Theatre Conference: auditions in fall and spring for both summer stock and regular season. Big dance audition in spring.
  • the University/Resident Theatre Association is the main audition/interview forum for graduate schools, and they also hold central auditions for some resident theatres. They hold February auditions in NYC, Chicago, and LA which many grad schools' representatives attend. Current students must first present auditions for the Geneseo performance faculty and receive a written nomination to attend URTA auditions.
  • The New York periodical's online version lets you search for auditions by selecting regions, not just NYC. For some services you need to subscribe; see copies in Brodie 102.

Dance Internet Resources

  • National professional organization of scholars, mostly dance educators at the college level, of dance history
  • National professional organization of dance educators at the college level
  • Sponsors regional and national conferences of college dancers