Dance Studies Program

Dance Studies Program

The Mission of The Dance Studies Program is to offer opportunities for students to develop excellence in creative, performance, and scholarly pursuits at our liberal arts college. We foster a diverse artistic community marked by mutual respect for the unique talents and contributions of each individual. 

Important Links

Words from Current Dance Students and Alumni

Brynn Davie, Class of 2017

Dance is an extremely important and unique area of study on the Geneseo campus because it encompasses students with diverse majors and interests. All of the dancers, professors and great artists combine their areas of expertise...

Read more from Brynn Davie

Michael Reed, Class of 2017

During my freshman year here at Geneseo, I was lightheartedly encouraged to take part in GDE after a performance at Orchesis. This encouragement came from many students that were a part of the organization...

Read more from Michael Reed

Emily Wagner, Class of 2014

I know that without a doubt having a dance minor has helped me to reach my goals beyond Geneseo, and it has given me a skill set that I will carry onto whatever I pursue next. All dance courses -- technique, history, kinesiology, composition -- as well as dance rehearsals teach you to think critically and creatively...

Read more from Emily Wagner

Upcoming Events

Geneseo Dance Ensemble

Dances the Diversity of the Liberal Arts-Journeys Unfolding 

OPEN CALL: August 28, 2024, 5:30pm, Brodie 152

Featuring New Choreography by Student Artists: Shannon Altman, Ashia Bryant, Shannon Ervay, Madalyn Johnson, Olivia Okoniewski, Stephanie Warner, Kinesiology and Composition Classes.

Artistic Director, Curator, and Producer: Professor of Dance Studies Jonette Lancos, Recipient of the Chancellor's Award of Excellence in Teaching.

Student Assistants:  Shannon Altman, Madalyn Johnson, Olivia Okoniewski, Stephanie Warner

Produced by Geneseo Dance Ensemble

Admission $12

Reservations: Student Association Ticket Office: call 585-245-5873, or go to

Geneseo Dance Ensemble, November 14-17, 2024

Alice Austin Theatre | November 14-16, 7:30 PM (Sunday 11/17 at 2:00 PM)

Geneseo Dance Ensemble

Dances the Diversity of the Liberal Arts - Dancing Into View

Featuring New Choreography by Guest Artist: Hettie Barnhill

Featuring New Choreography by Dance Studies Faculty: Nicolette Ferguson, Deborah Scodese-French, Jonette Lancos

Artistic Director, Curator, and Producer: Professor of Dance Studies Jonette Lancos, Recipient of the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

Student Assistants: Shannon Altman, Madalyn Johnson, Olivia Okoniewski, Stephanie Warner

February 27, March 2, 2025 

Produced by Geneseo Dance Ensemble
Admission: $12
Reservations: Student Association Ticket Office: call 585-245-5873, or email

Time: 7:30 PM (Sunday at 2:00 PM)

Alice Austin Theatre
William A. Brodie Hall
State University College at Geneseo