State of NY/UUP Funding Opportunities
State of NY/UUP Funding Opportunities
Detailed information on these programs and others, including application forms and eligibility guidelines, may be obtained on the
Campus Contacts
Please note that applications to many of these programs require a letter of endorsement from the President or his designee. To facilitate this, applicants are asked to please coordinate submissions through the Office of the Provost.
Professional Development Individual Award Program
The (administered by the Provost Office, announcement via email) is designed to support a variety of professional development projects or activities by assisting eligible employees to develop their full professional potential and to prepare for advancement. Full-time employees who accrue annual leave are not required to charge those credits for any project or activity funded by an Individual Development Award.
The Campus Professional Development Committee administers the Individual Development Awards Program on each campus. Proportional allocations are assigned to each Campus Professional Development Committee based on unit member population. The Campus Professional Development Committee is required to dedicate a minimum of 15 percent of the funds under this program to part-time employees. If applications from part-time employees amount to less than 15 percent of the total funds, then the remainder from the set aside amount can be reallocated to awards for full-time employees. On campuses where more than 35 percent of the faculty are part time, the Campus Professional Development Committee should consider increasing the portion of funds set aside for part-time awards.
The maximum amount that can be awarded for each employee under this program is $1,000. Employees are only eligible to be funded for one project or activity per award period.
Calendar Year Employee Leave Program
Formerly Special Projects Fund Program
The is intended to provide release time and salary replacement to assist eligible employees in developing their full professional potential and in preparing for advancement. Only expenses surrounding salary for a replacement for a period of at least five days will be considered for funding. All other expenses that might be required to conduct the project or activity must be provided by other sources. Employees who accrue annual leave are not required to charge those credits for any project or activity funded by this Program. A maximum of $4,000 for salary replacement only may be awarded to eligible employees once in each award period.
Campus Grants
The is intended to supplement campus funding for projects or activities that would develop or enhance cooperative problem solving, professional development, creative use and understanding of technology, safer working conditions and understanding and facilitating diversity in the workplace. The possibility of providing salary for a replacement, extra-service payments, or hourly payment for secretarial, clerical, or assistants' help will be considered provided such requests are fully justified. The maximum amount awarded per application is $15,000. Larger amounts may be considered in special circumstances. A detailed statement from the campus president or designee indicating the campus's financial contribution of a minimum of 40% of the cost of the project or activity and a letter of endorsement by the campus president or designee and the chapter president is required.
Technology Grants
The provides funding to facilitate projects or activities that positively affect employment through the application of technology, especially those projects or activities that may impact multiple campuses. Full-time and part-time employees, including campus groups or committees, from a single campus or multiple campuses are eligible. Proposed projects or activities that will enhance the use of technology in the workplace, especially on multiple campuses will be considered. A financial contribution of a minimum of 40% of the total project or activity expenses and a letter of endorsement from the president is required for each campus involved.
Dr. Naula McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Program
The enhances employment opportunities with preference given to minorities, women, employees with disabilities and Vietnam-era veterans who are preparing for permanent or continuing appointments. The Affirmative Action/Diversity Committee seeks to promote a broad diversity of award recipients. To achieve this, the Committee considers, but is not limited to, geographic location and campus type.
Grants for Employees With Disabilities
The establishes a fund for employees with disabilities, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), to assist them to achieve their professional potential. The funds cover out-of-pocket expenses incurred for professional work-related projects or activities due to the disability. They are not intended for accommodations that the campus must provide under the ADA. The maximum individual award is $5,000 for each application.
Dr. Herbert N. Wright Memorial Safety and Health Training Award
The provides employees with the opportunity to develop and enhance their ability to identify and control workplace hazards. Funds are available for disbursement for educational, training, and skill building activities at local or remote sites. The maximum individual award under this program is $3,000. An individual may apply for more than one award within the current contract period.