Traffic and Parking Regulations
Section 1: Introduction
The purpose of regulating parking and traffic on campus is to create a safe and orderly environment for pedestrians and motor vehicles. All persons operating a motor vehicle on campus are responsible for complying with applicable parking and traffic laws, orders, and regulations. The enforcement of parking and traffic regulations is a responsibility of the University Police Department.
Please read the following guidelines and regulations carefully. All persons driving on campus are responsible for knowing and understanding these rules.
Section 2: Parking Regulations
1. Parking on the grounds of the State University at Geneseo is restricted to students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Parking decals are required in restricted parking areas. Parking decals may be obtained at the Parking & Transportation Office in Schrader Hall Room 19. Persons registering a vehicle are required to show the current vehicle registration and College ID card or tuition receipt.
2. A change of vehicle registration must be reported to the Parking & Transportation Office and a new decal must be obtained, if applicable.
3. Parking decals must be purchased yearly and are valid until the stated expiration date unless there is a change in status as to enrollment or employment. Parking decals are not transferable and shall not be used on any other vehicle. Parking decals must be removed from registered vehicle (and destroyed) when the employment, relocation from a residence hall to an off campus residence, or any other change in status which affects parking privileges occurs.
4. Students may only register a vehicle that he or she owns or is owned by a family member.
5. Any person on campus may only have one vehicle on campus at any given time.
6. After registering the vehicle, the parking decal must be affixed to the vehicle according to the instructions provided. Campus parking areas are designated for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Faculty and staff are permitted to park in student lots, except lots J, R, and TT.
7. Students attending classes or working during the summer session may park in student lots with a properly displayed decal.
Special Parking
1. Special parking permission may be granted by the Parking & Transportation Office or the University Police Department for emergency situations or extraordinary circumstances.
2. Provisions for loading and unloading at the loading docks of the residence halls for a period of time over 20 minutes must be made in advance by calling the University Police Department.
3. Handicap parking is permitted with the display of a 黑料网 parking decal AND a) a handicap parking hang tag from a village or town clerk, b) a handicap vehicle license plate, or c) a 黑料网 campus handicap hang tag.
Visitor Parking
1. Parking in the College Circle is reserved for visitors and guests with a visitor permit (individuals with no affiliation to the College), Monday through Friday from 7:00AM to 5:00PM. College Circle is available without a permit Monday through Friday from 5:00PM to midnight, as well as, Saturday and Sunday from 7:00AM - midnight.
2. Metered parking is available on a daily basis from 7 a.m. to midnight. There is no metered parking from midnight to 7 a.m.
3. Faculty, staff, and students planning conferences or meetings on campus should arrange parking with the Scheduling, Events & Conferences Services office (ext. 5500) and the Parking & Transportation Office (ext. 5978) four weeks prior to the scheduled event. Parking will be by permit only.
4. Prospective students, visitors, and guests may park by special permit in ZZ Lot, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to midnight. Permits may be obtained from the Admissions Office or from the Parking & Transportation Office.
5. Overnight visitors during the week are required to obtain a temporary parking permit and park in H or U Lots.
6. Visitors to the campus may park in certain lots only, depending on the time and day they visit, and for how long they will be parked. View the visitor parking page for details.
Visitors and guests to the campus who are unable to comply with the above regulations should obtain temporary parking permits from the Parking & Transportation Office or the University Police Department in Schrader Hall Room 19.
Section 3: Parking Areas
Faculty, staff, and students must register their vehicles and obtain the appropriate decal to park on campus in accordance to the following guidelines. Handicap accessible parking is available in lots noted with an asterisk.
Lot A*
- Faculty/staff permit required: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Open visitor & student parking: Monday - Friday 4:30 p.m. - 3 a.m. and Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. - 3 a.m.
Lot B*
- Faculty/staff permit required: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Open visitor & student parking: Monday - Friday 4:30 p.m. - 3 a.m. and Saturday & Sunday 7 a.m. - 3 a.m.
Lot C*
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- No visitor parking
- No student parking
College Circle*
- Visitor permit required: Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Open visitor parking: Monday - Friday 5 p.m. - Midnight, and Weekends 7 a.m. - Midnight
- No faculty/staff parking
- No student parking
Lot D*
- Faculty/staff permit required: 24 hours a day
- No visitor parking
- No student parking
Lot E*
- Resident student permit required: 24 hours a day
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- Open visitor parking: 4:30 p.m. Friday - Midnight Sunday
Lot F
- Resident student permit required: 24 hours a day
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- Open visitor parking: 4:30 p.m. Friday - Midnight Sunday
Lot G
- Reserved Lot G permit required: 24 hours a day
- No visitor parking
- No student parking
Lot H
- Resident student permit required: 24 hours a day
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- Open visitor parking: Monday - Thursday 4 p.m. - 9 a.m. and 4:30 Friday - Midnight Sunday
Lot I*
- Resident/commuter student permit required: 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- Open visitor parking: Monday - Friday 2 p.m. - Midnight and Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. - Midnight
Lot J
- Resident student permit required: 24 hours a day
- No visitor parking
- No faculty/staff parking
Lot K
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Open visitor parking: Monday - Friday 4:30 p.m. - Midnight and Saturday & Sunday 7 a.m. - Midnight
Lot L*
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Open visitor parking: Monday - Friday 4:30 p.m. - 3 a.m. and Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. - 3 a.m.
Lot LL*
- Reserved Lot LL permit required: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Faculty/staff permit required: Monday - Friday 5 p.m. - 3 a.m. and Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. - 3 a.m.
- No visitor parking
- No student parking
Lot O
- Reserved Lot O permit required: 24 hours a day
Lot P* (Schrader East)
- Paid metered parking: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- No overnight parking
Lot PP* (College Union West)
- Paid metered parking: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- No overnight parking
Lot Q
- Resident permit required: 24 hours a day
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- Open visitor parking: 4:30 p.m. Friday - Midnight Sunday
Lot R*
- Resident permit required: 24 hours a day
- No visitor parking
- No faculty/staff parking
Lot S*
- Resident/commuter student permit required: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- Faculty/staff permit required: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- Open visitor parking:
- Monday through Friday 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. - Midnight
- Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. - Midnight
- Overflow resident/commuter parking 24 hours a day (with valid resident or commuter permit)
Lot T
- Commuter student permit required: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- Admissions permit required: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- Open visitor parking: 4:30 p.m. Friday - Midnight Sunday
Lot TT*
- Resident student permit required: 24 hours a day
- No visitor parking
Lot U*
- Resident student permit required: 24 hours a day
- Commuter student permit required: 24 hours a day
- Faculty/staff permit required: 7 a.m. - Midnight
- Open visitor parking: Monday - Thursday 4 p.m. - 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Friday - Midnight Sunday
Lot V*
- Faculty/staff permit required: 24 hours a day
- No visitor parking
- No student parking
Lot W*
- Reserved Lot W permit required: 24 hours a day
- No visitor parking
- No student parking
Lot X (Letchworth Drive)
- Reserved RL permit required (1): 24 hours a day
- Faculty/staff permit required (7): 24 hours a day
- Paid metered parking (2): 7 a.m. - Midnight
- No overnight parking
Lot Y* (Monroe Loop)
- Reserved RL permit required (4): 24 hours a day
- Fuel efficient vehicle (1): Valid campus permit required 24 hours a day
- Paid metered parking (2): 7 a.m. - Midnight
- No overnight parking
- Geneseo First Response vehicle (1)
- 20 Minute load zone (4)
- Service vehicle (1)
Lot Z*
- Reserved X permit required (1): 24 hours a day
- Small Business Development Center permit required (1): 24 hours a day
- OPWDD Medical Director permit required (1): 24 hours a day
- Official vehicles only (2)
- OPWDD Visitor spaces (6): Visitor permit required 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Open visitor parking: Monday - Friday 5 p.m. - Midnight and Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. - Midnight
Lot ZZ*
- Admissions permit required: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Open visitor parking: Monday - Friday 5 p.m. - Midnight and Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m. - Midnight
During inclement weather, to facilitate snow removal, parking restrictions between 3 and 7 a.m. will be strictly enforced.
Please check email, voice mail, or residence hall postings for emergency instructions. See Section 9: Winter Storms and Temporary Lot Closings.
Section 4: Violations
- Parking is only authorized in posted areas
- Acceptable parking is indicated by posted signs or pavement markings
- All duly posted signs or indications regulating traffic or parking must be observed
- Fire hydrants, fire lanes, or other emergency zones are to be kept free at all times
- Parking on the interior grounds or roadways is not allowed
- Metered parking is available on a daily basis from 7 a.m. to midnight
- There is no metered parking from midnight to 7 a.m.
- All vehicles must have a current motor vehicle registration and inspection properly displayed
- Tickets may be issued for violations of the Vehicle and Traffic Law or any local traffic ordinances and shall be processed in accordance with applicable law
Section 5: Penalties
A. Section 360 of the Education Law authorizes delinquent fines to be collected from faculty and staff by withholding the amount of the fines from their pay checks. In the case of students: transcripts, grades, diplomas, registrations, etc. will be withheld until such delinquent fines are paid.
B. Those that have previously parked illegally and have not been cited may not use that as a defense if they are cited for the same violation in the future. If a ticket is not given for a violation, this does not condone the violation.
C. Violators of these rules and regulations are subject to a fine, revocation of campus registration, or additional penalties.
D. Upon receipt of ten (10) tickets, paid or unpaid, for campus parking violations during a twelve (12) month period, parking privileges may be revoked for the remainder of the academic year. Vehicles may be towed as described in Section 7: Towing and Impounding.
E. Before a parking decal can be purchased, all unpaid tickets must be paid.
F. Parking tickets may be paid a) online at ; b) in person at Schrader 19, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; c) check or money order made payable to 黑料网 and mailed to Parking & Transportation, 1 College Circle, Schrader Hall Room 19, Geneseo, NY 14454.
Section 6: Appeals
A. The President shall designate an adjudication officer to hear complaints for violations of campus traffic and parking regulations enforceable on campus. The adjudication officer shall not be bound by the rules of evidence, but may hear or receive any testimony or evidence directly relevant and material to the issue presented.
B. Requests for a hearing or appeal must be made WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS of the charged violation.
C. False or misleading statements or failure to disclose pertinent information will result in denial of appeal. It may also result in the loss of parking privileges and/or other appropriate administrative action (in the case of students, referral to Student Conduct).
D. The following are examples of insufficient grounds for accepting an appeal of a parking ticket:
- Being late or in a hurry
- Dropping something or someone off or picking them up
- Preferred parking lot full or too far away
- Inclement weather
- Others parked the same way did not receive a ticket
- Flashing hazard lights (or four-way lights)
- The amount of time the vehicle was parked
- The owner of the vehicle was not driving at the time - the registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for all tickets incurred regardless as to whether or not that individual was the one who actually parked the vehicle improperly or not
- I can't afford the ticket
- I didn't know/I thought/Nobody told me
- I parked there before and never received a ticket
E. Should the alleged violator fail to appear at the time fixed for the hearing or should no hearing be requested within the prescribed time (five days), the violation is proved and appropriate penalties shall be warranted.
F. The Appeals Board is the final recourse for all appeals. There is no other person/group that can hear an appeal after the Board has made its decision.
G. At the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall file a decision and the decision shall be promptly transmitted to the registered person.
Section 7: Towing and Impounding
A. Any motor vehicle operated or parked on campus in violation of the following regulations may be removed, towed, and stored at the owner's expense. The College is not liable for any damage as a result of this action.
- Accumulation of TEN (10) or more paid or unpaid tickets in a twelve (12) month period may result in towing and impounding. Other penalties may apply as described in Section 6: Appeals.
- Vehicles blocking traffic, fire, emergency lanes, and reserved areas will be towed immediately.
- A motor vehicle left more than 96 hours in one spot without permission or a parking decal shall be considered abandoned and will be towed and impounded (Vehicle Traffic Law, Section 1224-D).
Section 8: Vehicular Roadways
A. The following are vehicular roadways on or near the Geneseo campus:
- University Drive from Court Street to Wadsworth Street
- College Drive, Mary Jemison Drive, Letchworth Drive, and Red Jacket Drive
- Routes 63, 39, 20A, Court Street, Main Street, and South Street are roadways and subject to state and/or local regulations and enforcements as are Wadsworth, Bank, School, Franklin, and Park Streets and University Drive from Main Street to Wadsworth Street
B. Interior campus walkways are prohibited to vehicular traffic for all vehicles except fire, police, and authorized campus service vehicles.
C. No person shall drive a vehicle on University streets, roads, or highways at an unsafe speed for conditions. The campus speed limit is 15 miles per hour.
Section 9: Winter Storms and Temporary Lot Closings
To remove/plow substantial snowfalls from parking lots, it is necessary that all cars parked in lots be temporarily relocated. During these storms, the lot closures occur on a cyclical basis, allowing vehicles to be temporarily relocated to a plowed lot while the 黑料网 Grounds Department removes the snow from each subsequent lot.
While attempts are made to communicate the dates/times of the lot closure through emails, voice mails, and postings, the immediate need to plow often limits the time allotted to distribute the notices to less than 24 hours.
To minimize occurrences of "plowed in" vehicles or the need to have vehicles towed, the Grounds Department asks all student vehicle owners to please check email and voice mail on a frequent basis during periods of heavy snowfall and temporarily relocate their vehicles as directed by the notices.
Unfortunately, when vehicles remain in parking lots during the temporary closures, completing the snow removal process may require the vehicles to be towed. Owners of towed vehicles will be subject to fines and be required to pay towing and possibly storage charges.
The University Police Department and Grounds Department thank you for your cooperation during these times and wish you a safe winter driving season.
Section 10: Authorization
Section 360 of the Education Law authorizes the State University of New York campuses to adopt, make applicable, and enforce such provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, adopted under the authority of that law, as control to regulate parking, vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Further, it authorizes the State University to adopt and enforce such additional rules and regulations for control of parking, vehicular and pedestrian traffic, as local authorities are permitted to adopt and enforce pursuant to the Vehicle and Traffic Law. There is also authorization for the State University to adopt and enforce campus rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the Vehicle and Traffic Law relating to parking, safety, and vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Such rules and regulations may include provisions for the disposition of abandoned vehicles, removal by towing and otherwise impounding of vehicles, parked in violation of such rules, at the expense of the owner and the assessment of administrative fines upon the owner or operator of such vehicles for each violation of the regulations.
Section 11: Approval
These rules and regulations become effective and shall be enforced upon approval as required by law and publication. A copy of these regulations will be provided to each registrant and filed with appropriate civil offices.