Decals & Permits

Parking Permits

Parking Permit Cost - Students


  • Full Academic Year (August - August): $120.00
  • Fall Semester Only (August - December): $62.50
  • Spring Semester Only (January - May): $62.50
  • Summer Sessions Only (May - August): $25.00
  • Part-time Students (per semester): $6.00 per credit hour (11 credit hours or less)
  • Secondary/Replacement Permits: $7.25 each (can only have one vehicle on campus at a time)
  • Veterans: Do not pay the $7.25 registration fee 

Please note:

  • As the academic year progresses, the price for student parking is periodically decreased - please call to confirm the current price.
  • Summer student employee parking: there are a number of different departments, unions, and programs that hire students to work over the summer. Permit types and prices are dependent on who you are working for, when you're working, and where you're working. Please contact our office directly for more information.
Parking Permit Cost - Faculty & Staff
Category First Vehicle Additional vehicle(s)
UUP, PEF, NYSCOPBA, PBA, & all other non-CSEA or non-MC faculty/staff $7.25 $7.25 each
CSEA $5.60 $5.60 each
MC $25.00 $7.25 each
CAS, LIVES, OPWDD Primary vehicle paid for by agency $7.25 each
Reserved Lots W & LL $155.60, $157.25, or $175.00 based on union $7.25 or $5.60 each based on union

Buy a Parking Decal - What You Need

  • Valid vehicle registration - students may only register a vehicle that they or a family member owns or leases (no friends, significant others, roommates, etc.)
  • Valid 黑料网 ID
  • Mastercard, Visa, Discover, cash, check/money order payable to 黑料网
  • All outstanding tickets must be paid in full before purchasing a new decal

How to Purchase


  • Mastercard or Visa

In Person

  • Mastercard, Visa, Discover, cash, check/money order made payable to 黑料网
  • Located in Schrader Hall, Room 19
  • Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Snail Mail

Decal Placement

  • Permits are not valid until properly affixed to your vehicle - laying the permit on the dash, affixing it on the wrong side of the car or taping it to the window will result in a parking ticket
  • Apply to clean, DRY glass as far back on the drivers side as possible
  • Click here for a visual of where to affix the permit

Temporary Permits

Free temporary permits are available 24/7/365 in Schrader 19. Faculty, staff, and students are limited to seven business days of free temporary parking per year. Secondary vehicles parked on campus beyond a total of seven (7) business days are required to have a permanent parking decal, which are available for a nominal fee.

Visitors should obtain a temporary parking permit from Schrader 19, or see the Visitor Parking section for more information.

Lost, misplaced or stolen decals must be reported immediately to Parking & Transportation Services. There is a replacement fee. A decal reported lost, misplaced or stolen but later found must be returned to Parking & Transportation Services.