Using the My Health Portal

Students are able to access many features and services through the student health portal, My Health.  My Health includes links for scheduling appointments, canceling appointments, completing required forms, enabling text message reminders, sending and receiving secure messages, verifying your visits, and more! 

To log into My Health:

  1. Login in with your Geneseo email and password.
  2. Enter your Date of Birth (format MM/DD/YYYY), then select Proceed.
Request an Appointment
  1. Under the header "I would like to...," select Go to APPOINTMENTS.
  2. From the next window, choose the blue SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT button.
  3. Select Health Services or Counseling Services then CONTINUE.
  4. Follow the instructions on the next screen to access the type of appointment you need.
Cancel an Appointment
  1. Under the header "I would like to...," select Go to APPOINTMENTS (or select Appointments from the Main Menu).
  2. Any pending scheduled appointments will be listed here. To cancel, select the red Cancel Appointment button located directly under the appointment.
  3. Select the cancellation reason and then OKAY.

NOTE: if it is within 2 hours of your scheduled appointment time, you will NOT be able to cancel through the portal. Call Health Services at 585-245-5736 or Counseling Services at 585-245-5716 (you can also send a secure message to your counselor).

Complete Required Surveys/Questionnaires
  1. Under the header "I would like to...," select Go to APPOINTMENTS.
  2. Any pending scheduled appointments will be listed here. To complete a survey or questionnaire, select the Complete Questionnaire link located directly under the appointment.
  3. When you are finished with all questionnaires/surveys, select DONE.
Enable Text Message Reminders
  1. From the main screen, scroll down to the blue text and select "ENABLE Text Reminders" (or, select Profile from the Main Menu, scroll down to Text Messaging, and select EDIT).
  2. Provide the following required information:
    • enter your phone number
    • select the checkbox next to 鈥淚 would like to receive text messages"
    • Chose your mobile phone carrier from the drop down menu, "New Mobile Phone Carrier" (required)
    • Select CONTINUE.
  3. Review the information you entered - if correct, select CONFIRM.
Send a Secure Message to a Staff Member
  1. Under the header "I would like to...," select Go to MESSAGES.
  2. Select NEW MESSAGE.
  3. Choose Administration, Health Services, or Counseling Services and then select CONTINUE.
    • Administration = administrative assistant, technical support
    • Health Services = medication refills, health clinicians, nurses, travel
    • Counseling Services = counseling director, my counselor, embodied intervention
  4. Select the appropriate sub-category (if applicable) and then CONTINUE.
  5. Select the the staff member you want to message from the "Select Recipient" link (if not already filled in). Review photos on our Meet Our SHC Staff page if you can't recall the name.
  6. Enter your message in the text box provided and select SEND when finished.
Complete New Student Health Requirements
  1. From the MENU, select MEDICAL CLEARANCES.
  2. Review the list of all the required immunizations and forms for new students.
Obtain a Visit Verification
  1. From the MENU, select VISIT SUMMARY.
  2. Your visits will be listed - select "View" next to the summary you need.
  3. Select PRINT from the upper right to save as a PDF or send it to a printer.
Obtain a Your Immunization History
  1. From the MENU, select IMMUNIZATION HISTORY.
  2. Select PRINT from the upper right to save as a PDF or send it to a printer.
Access a Telehealth (Counseling) Appointment

If you are already a client of Counseling Service, review details on Accessing Telehealth Counseling Appointments.