Accessing Telehealth Counseling Appointments
Telehealth appointments are provided through the secure Zoom Health platform. Student interactions with Zoom Health are via our secure student health portal, My Health,
Prior to signing in, be sure that you are in a private location with no one else present. If you require assistance in obtaining a private location, there are some spaces in Lauderdale available for use; call 585-245-6465 to speak with our Administrative Assistant, Amy Gonzalez.
To access your Zoom appointment:
- Make sure that you have Zoom enabled on your device and that you are signed in to your Zoom account.
- Sign in to the MyHealth portal at .
- Select "Go To APPOINTMENTS" and then select the green "Appointment Check-In" button.
- If you have not already done so, you will be asked to acknowledge the Counseling Services Consent for Treatment. Read the form, click the box to indicate that you acknowledge and accept, and click "Continue."
- Confirm your location by selecting "New York" and clicking "Okay." (Note: You MUST be within New York state to receive telehealth services.)
- Review your insurance information and select "Continue" (or select Continue to skip).
- The CCAPS-34, a required symptom questionnaire, will come up next. Follow the instructions to complete this survey and then select "Done." (NOTE: If you have any other outstanding surveys, including from Health Services, you might see these come up prior to the CCAPS-34.)
- You should then see a message in blue text that says "Click here to join the meeting." If that does not come up, go back to APPOINTMENTS and look for the green button that says "Join Meeting." Remember that you must already have Zoom enabled on your device and be signed in. You will then have to wait for the host (your counselor) to start the meeting.
- Zoom links are created the day of the appointment. Prior to then, you will see a message that states "The Zoom link is not yet available. Check back closer to the appointment time or click the Refresh button above. This page will also automatically refresh every 30 seconds. When the Zoom link is available, a Join Meeting link will be available here." If it is the day of the appointment, refresh or send a secure message to your counselor if the Zoom link still does not appear.