Health Services
Health Services offers confidential medical care to Geneseo students. This care is similar to the services received from your primary care provider (PCP) at home. Our goal is to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle both at Geneseo and beyond. Our experienced healthcare professionals are highly qualified to provide a wide range of primary care services. We strive to make our services accessible and equitable to all students. Most services for enrolled students are covered by your Student Health Fee.
Services Available
- Primary Medical Care
Our primary health care services include diagnosis and treatment provided by a licensed providers (physician/nurse practitioners) and registered nurses. We treat common medical complaints including colds, sore throats, respiratory illness, ear aches, stomach upsets, sprained ankles, urinary complaints, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We also provide care for students with more chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and eating disorders.
Our care is student-centered, comprehensive, team-based, accessible, and quality-focused. Allow us to be part of your health care team!
Review our Cancellation and No Show policy regarding missed appointments.
- Medications
Health Services provides many medications to treat common and chronic health conditions as well as the Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP). See Medication Information for additional details on provided medications as well as preventative services.
- STI and Other Medical Testing
Health Services provides testing for all common Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs). We also offer a number of other in-house lab tests, including rapid strep testing, rapid mono testing, influenza, urinalysis, and pregnancy testing. Additional laboratory tests can be drawn by Health Services and sent to our outside laboratory. (Contact your health insurance company to verify that our lab, Quest Pittsburgh, is in your network. We also recommend asking if you are required to obtain pre-authorization for labs.)
- Pregnancy Care Options
During their time at Geneseo, some people become pregnant. Health Services can discuss this with you and help you to access a range of care options. These include referral to an obstetrical provider (OB) or referral for abortion, including medical abortion, through .
- South Village Health Center
Health Services also offers a clinic conveniently located on the South Side of campus. South Village Health Center (SVHC) is on the north side of Onondaga Hall, with a is a separate outdoor entrance for patients.
The SVHC hours are Mondays and Wednesdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed 12-1 pm for lunch). Students can take advantage of convenient appointment access and additional availability by schedule with the student health portal, .
- Resource Nurse
Our Campus Community Resource Nurse (CCRN) is available to provide care, information, and advice to all 黑料网 students.
- My Health Portal
Through your student health portal, , you can schedule and cancel health appointments. You can also communicate with your health providers by using our Secure Message system. Using the My Health Portal provides step-by-step details for accessing and using My Health.
- Self-Care Center & Wellness Vending Machine
Our Self-Care Center is designed to help you treat basic health care issues on your own. The center offers packets for colds, minor wound care, and basic pain relief. Each packet provides you with useful health information, including medicine and/or other treatments to help address your symptoms. Our center also provides condoms of various types plus information on STI prevention.
Our Self-Care Center is located on the first floor of the Lauderdale Health Center, just to the right of the front doors (near the stairs). All items from the Self-Care Center are available at no additional charge as covered by your Student Health Fee.
The Wellness Vending Machine is a NEW service available to students. Easily accessible in the College Union (near the mailroom), the vending machine provides a number of health essentials and other health needs:
- over the counter medications
- first aid items
- period products
- covid tests
- sexual health supplies, including emergency contraception & pregnancy tests
- fentanyl test strips
The vending machine will be restocked weekly. If you experience technical or other issues, call Health Services at 585-245-5736.
- After Hours Consultation
When Health Services is closed, we have a Nurse Advice Line. This service, Fone Med, offers consultations with a registered nurse. Reach this line by calling the main Health Services number (585-245-5736) after hours or call Fone Med directly at 877-861-5005.
Health Services does not provide emergency treatment and does not take the place of a hospital or emergency room. For additional after hours options, see our Health Crisis & Emergency Resources.
- Specialist Referrals
Our health clinicians provide referrals to area specialists and/or hospitals as needed. If you are looking for a referral to a dentist, oral surgeon, or ophthalmologist/optometrist, visit Health Specialists.
If you have a question or concern and would like a specific response, email our Medical Director, Dr. Christian Wightman, at To provide anonymous feedback, use the Student Health and Counseling .