CIT HelpDesk

The CIT HelpDesk is the first point of contact for technology-related questions, requests, or issues.

Popular Services

laptop requirements
cit student jobs
Services Provided
  • Network setup (including WiFi & VPN)
  • Adding printers
  • Academic software installation
  • Sign-out and support
  • Answering general computer questions

Unfortunately, we are unable to assist with hardware repair, OS installation, data recovery, or malware removal.

  • Protect your technology investment by seeking in-warranty assistance from your computer manufacturer or Authorized Service Providers. 
  • CIT does not officially partner with any third parties for student repairs. 
    • The closest Apple Authorized Service Provider is the .
Technology & Software Support for Departments

Each academic department is supported by a Technology Support Professional (TSP). Your TSP can assist you with all desktop computing needs. Contact the CIT HelpDesk to place a request for your TSP.

Supported Software & Hardware

Please visit the below "Supported" lists often as they are updated to reflect new technology and older technology no longer supported by CIT. 

Note: These lists are only for "college-owned" equipment or tenants expecting service from CIT (if granted). CIT does not support personally owned equipment for faculty and staff.



Milne Library
(585) 245-5588

Fall/Spring Semester Hours*:
Weekdays: 7:30 am-9:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am-6:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm-4:00 pm
Sunday: 12:00 pm-9:30 pm

Summer/Intersession/Break Hours*:
Weekdays: 8:00 am-4:00 pm

*Subject to change without notice