Labs & Classroom Technology

Classroom Technology

Wireless Microphones - Newton

The following Lecture Halls previously have dedicated wireless microphone systems installed, with the belt-pack microphone available for sign out from the A/V desk in Newton 121:

  • Newton 201
  • Newton 202
  • Newton 203
  • Newton 204
  • Newton 214

Each setup includes an audio to USB microphone interface. This allows the wireless microphone audio to be fed into a laptop or the dedicated PC in the classroom.  Faculty will need to select 鈥淔ocusrite Scarlet Solo鈥 as the 鈥淢icrophone鈥 input in Zoom audio settings for that audio to be part of a hybrid class using Zoom. The students connecting remotely will get clearer audio from the presenter, and Zoom sessions can be recorded to the local computer as well.

Sign-out equipment will be sanitized routinely, and all wireless microphone transmitters will get a disposable cover that will be discarded after each use. Keyboards and touch screen panels will be sanitized routinely as well.

Wireless Microphones - Bailey, South, Welles

The following rooms have a wireless microphone system. This system works with the faculty laptop to enhance audio for remote participants.

  • Bailey 102
  • Bailey 103
  • Bailey 104
  • Bailey 105
  • Bailey 202
  • Bailey 203
  • Bailey 204
  • South Hall 336
  • South Hall 338
  • South Hall 340
  • Welles Hall 24
  • Welles Hall 26
  • Welles Hall 121
  • Welles Hall 123

These rooms also have disposable microphone covers available, and will be sanitized as frequently as possible. Microphone to USB audio interfaces are included to facilitate better audio for hybrid Zoom classes.

Hybrid / HyFlex Rooms

Web cams and ceiling microphones facilitate hybrid and HyFlex class delivery in the following rooms:

  • Newton 202
  • Newton 204
  • Newton 205
  • Newton 214
  • South Hall 338
  • South Hall 340
  • Welles Hall 24
  • Welles Hall 26
  • Welles Hall 121
  • Welles Hall 123
Personal Voice Amplification

The Giecy Voice Amplifier is portable, rechargeable, and comes with its own headset microphone.  The headset is wired, but the amplified speaker can be clipped on a belt. It's also relatively inexpensive.

  • Classrooms at Geneseo offer a laptop connection (HDMI/VGA) and DVD player. Some classrooms also have a . 
  • To explore the technology available in each classroom, visit .
  • To reserve a room contact Campus Scheduling & Special Events at 585-245-5500.
  • For Immediate Assistance for Technology Issues in the Classroom, call the CIT HelpDesk 585-245-5588. State that you have a classroom emergency that needs immediate attention. Be prepared with building and room #, faculty name, and a brief description of the issue.
  • To Report an issue after class, where no immediate response is necessary, .  
  • CIT is able to assist with many other needs in the classroom, including student seating and instructor furniture. Since these issues are not typically an emergency, it is best to .

Computer Labs

Computers for student use can be found in nearly every academic building. Select computer labs may also be reserved for presentations or a class that requires the use of technology. To reserve a computer classroom, contact Campus Scheduling & Special Events at 585-245-5500.

Information about the number of seats in and software available in computer labs can be viewed on our and Information pages.

Geneseo also has a Virtual Computer Lab available. For information visit our  self-help document.

For questions about using Geneseo computer labs or other computer related problems, ask CIT. Call 585-245-5588, , or and we'll be happy to assist you.