Advising Resources for Military-Affiliated Students

Students arriving at Geneseo from active duty, reserve duty, military families, and students looking to enter the armed forces after graduation bring experience and values that are welcomed at Geneseo.  We also recognize that transitioning to a residential college can be challenging; the resources below are meant as a starting point to get you connected to what you need to be successful.

Dedicated Website

A Veteran and Military-Affiliated Support Services Coordinator

Veteran and Military-Affiliated Lounge/Study Space

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my military experience transfer to Geneseo?

The short answer is yes!  Any courses that you took as part of your military training are documented on your Joint Services Transcript (JST).  When you submit your JST as part of your application materials, the courses are reviewed and come in as credit.  

Depending on your military training, credits will meet different degree requirements, like major or minor requirements, general education requirements, or elective credits (that get you closer to the 120 needed for a Bachelor's degree).  

How can I tell if my military courses are being counted for credit?

After you have deposited at Geneseo, you can log into Degree Works to see credit applying.

Choose Degree Works from and you will see "Satisfied By...JST: Military Transcripts"

What do I do if I don't see credit that I think should be applying?
  1. Contact the Registrar's Office to make sure that they have an official Joint Services Transcript on file.
  2. Get in touch with Jaime Arena, our Veteran and Military-Affiliated Support Services Coordinator to see what's applying and what's not and why.

**Notes: Only 60 credits of military coursework can be transferred to Geneseo; Geneseo has started to count military field experience (those experiences articulated as credit on the JST) as course credit.  Your field experiences may not yet be articulated in our database and we will work with you to get them articulated.