Advising Resources for New (Incoming) Students
Welcome to Geneseo!
The Office of Advising is here to help you succeed. We offer support with choosing classes, exploring majors, and planning for your future career. Our team is also here to guide you to the resources you need most.
We celebrate your achievements by sharing the Dean’s List and President’s List each semester. Starting college can feel overwhelming, but we’re here to make it easier for you.
Visit this page to find helpful tools and information to guide your journey at Geneseo.
- Registration Timeline for Your First Semester Courses
Ongoing - Course Registration Survey emailed to your Geneseo Account
- As soon as you deposit and claim your account, you will get an email with a unique link to the Course Registration Survey - this is your first step in registering for classes!
April - Early Registration Day (for fall admits only)
- Incoming students will come to campus, sit down with an advisor, and register for classes together! Check out the communication from Admissions for more information.
June-July / November-January - Incoming Student Course Registration
- Once Open Registration for returning students closes each semester, the Advising Staff begins registering students for classes for the upcoming semester.
You can always reach out to the Office of Advising with questions.
- Transferring Credits to Geneseo
There are two types of credits for new students: "pre-college" and "transfer" credits.
- AP Score Credits
- Contact information for sending AP scores
- IB Score Credits
- CLEP Score Credits
- Transfer of College Credit
- Foreign Language Requirement
In some cases, you may want to decline credits you earned at another institution or through these pre-college exams. You can only do that through the end of your first semester at Geneseo. Talk to your faculty advisor or the Office of Advising if you have questions about this process.
(to decline previously earned credits)
Submit your scores and transcripts AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after depositing to Geneseo and completing those experiences. They are critical to your degree planning!
- What to Expect
How to Prepare?
You're invited to browse the , visit , and/or browse the for details of your major programs or potential programs.
STEP 1: Download the Navigate Student App!
New Students
- Complete the Course Registration Survey - the link is emailed to your Geneseo email account and shares your plans, needs, and interests so we can build a customized schedule.
- Make sure your Advanced Placement (AP) test scores, transcripts from dual enrollment courses, international bachelorette diplomas, and/or any other ways you plan to bring in college credit that are being sent to Geneseo.
- We build fall course schedules in June and July using the information we have from your admissions application, course registration survey, and transcripts.
- After schedules are built, we will send it to you! And you have the opportunity to schedule a virtual or in person meeting to talk through it and understand it.
- The Office of Advising will also be available during Orientation offering multiple sessions to learn more.
Transfer Students:
- Complete the Course Registration Survey!
- Once you are enrolled through admissions, an advisor will begin to build your course schedule. This process happens on a rolling basis.
- Depending on your major, this process will be slightly different, but you can expect communication from a Geneseo advisor who will talk with you about what you are planning and expected and will share a potential schedule with you. Make sure you advocate for what you want from your Geneseo experience!
If you're not sure where to start, Ask a GPS Guide!
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Where do I start? If you're not sure what you need next or aren't sure what office can assist you, try Asking A GPS Guide!
You can contact the Office of Advising at or 585-245-5541. We'll be happy to answer any questions you have!
Geneseo's Language Requirement
Geneseo's general education requires language proficiency to the 102 level in line with our liberal arts distinction and commitment to globalization in our curriculum. This could be up to two semesters of a language.
- Satisfying the Language Requirement
- Students who have completed four years of a single language in high school satisfy the requirement without college coursework and do not need to take a placement exam.
- Students who have earned language credits through another college (either during or after high school) may transfer in those credits to satisfy the language requirement (satisfaction is with two semesters--101 & 102--of college work.
- Students may take language courses at Geneseo, completing the “102” level, to satisfy the requirement.
- Students who place into "201" on the Foreign Language Placement Exam, have satisfied the general education requirement through "102."
- Do I need to take the placement exam?
The Department of Global Languages and Cultures recommends that all students take a Language Placement Exam. The results are good for up to 1 full year (2 semesters) and give students who have met and not met the requirement the freedom to enroll in a language course without registration barriers.
Geneseo offers placement exams in many languages even if they are not taught here because students can demonstrate proficiency in any language other than English to meet our graduation requirement.
The Office of Advising and Orientation work with Global Languages and Cultures to offer placement exams to all incoming students. For questions about registering for a placement exam, visit the webpage.
- What is the exam like?
- The placement exam is a computer-based, multiple-choice exam that is untimed, and usually takes about 20 min.
- The exam assesses your proficiency level so there really is no way to study for it.
- Your grade will not be reflected anywhere other than for registration into a course.
- Your results are effective for one year.
- You will receive your placement immediately after completing the exam.
- If you have a documented disability and require accommodations beyond extended time, please contact the Office of Accessibility Services via email at at least two weeks in advance of your scheduled exam date.