Mathematics 221
Bring a copy of this full course information
to class on Wednesday, August 29.
Lyrics to .
Here's my single favourite . Look there for
more information about the history of anything in calculus.
For help with using the TI-89, there is a available on-line. There are also materials
written by the publisher of your textbook. They may be found .
This may be dependent on your computer, browser, or other
Here is some information about lab writeups.
Here are some comments concerning the problem sets.
Where will the solutions be?
I told you there'd be some solutions posted to the in-class problems suggested on the course information page, here they are. Pester me if I'm negligent about updating them.
Our two exans will occur as follows:
XM1 Thursday, October 8, 7 - 9p
Welles 140
XM2 Thursday, November 5, 7 - 9p
Welles 140
If you are looking for help, and I am not available, consider . (Note: visit the center to confirm
actual hours of operation. The center opens for the
semester on September 7.)
Here's a place you may leave about the course.
Return to my homepage.