Professor: Jeff
Section 9
MWRF 1:00 - 1:50p Sturges 105
South 326A
Telephone: 245-5403
Office Hours: Monday 9 - 9:50a, 2:30
- 3:30p, Wednesday 3:30 - 4:30p, Thursday 8 - 9p, Friday 11 - 11:50a, sometimes3 - 4p, and by
appointment or visit
Email Address:
Course Materials
Calculus, Third Edition by Smith & Minton
Required: TI-89 Calculator
Optional: Use of Maple and laptop computer
Additional handouts of reading, problems, and
will be provided
- to develop some fluency and comfort with the techniques of the
in order to use those techniques to solve routine exercises and
- to appreciate the cultural significance and consequence of the
Calculus is the culmination of high school
and the entryway to higher level college mathematics. The
of the calculus was a turning point in the history of mathematics and
As the mathematics of change, calculus is widely applicable in all
of study that have quantifiable change. It is for these reasons
we will be studying not only how to do calculus, but why calculus is
the way it is, and why it is done at all.
Your grade in this course will be based upon your
on various aspects. The weight assigned to each is designated
Assignments: (4% each,
complete 13)
Exam 1
Problem Sets (6) 24%
Exam 2
Paper (1)
Final Exam
Lab Writeups (3)
More (3)
More may include extra problem sets, papers, colloquium reports
lab writeups.
With each day of lecture, I will suggest several
that are relevant for practising from that day's lesson. I will
grade these exercises, but will gladly look at them.
After attending a mathematics department colloquium
other approved mathematics presentation) you may write a report.
your report, please explain the main point of the presentation and
a discussion of how this presentation affected your views on
A – Well written, answers the
and is interesting and insightful
B – Well written and answers the
C – Well written or answers
questions (convinces the reader that you were there)
D – attempted
Papers are due within a classweek of the colloquium presentation.
will gladly look at papers before they are due to provide comments.
Problem Sets
There will be six pairs of problem sets distributed
the semester. You must complete one of each pair.
sets are due on the scheduled dates. You are encouraged to
with me outside of class on any questions toward completing the
homework. You are also
encouraged to work together on homework assignments, but each must
write up their own well-written solutions. A good rule for this is it
is encouraged to speak to each other about the problem, but you should
not read each other's solutions. A violation of this policy will
result in a zero for the entire assignment and reporting to the Dean of
Students for a violation of academic integrity. Each question will be
counted in the following manner:
0 – missing or plagiarised question
1 – question copied
2 – partial question
3 – completed question (with some solution)
4 – completed question correctly and well-written
Each entire problem set will then be graded on a 90-80-70-60% (decile)
Late items will not be accepted. Problem sets will be returned on
following class day along with solutions to the problems. Because
will be provided, comments will be somewhat limited on individual
Please feel free to discuss any homework with me outside of class or
Laboratory Activities and Writeups
We will regularly be spending days on
Activity descriptions will be distributed in class the day before the
Please come to class prepared for the activity (i.e. complete the
labeled "Before the Lab" if there is one), but without having completed
before. We will not use class time to prepare. I strongly
reading the suggestions on writing lab writeups before submitting
Lab writeups may be turned in no more than three class days after the
lab activity.
There will be two exams during the semester and a
exam during finals week. If you must miss an exam, it is
that you contact me before the exam begins. Exams require that
show ability to solve unfamiliar problems and to understand and explain
concepts clearly. The bulk of the exam questions will involve
solving and written explanations of mathematical ideas. The first
two exams will be an hour's worth of material that I will
allow two hours to complete. Tentatively they are scheduled for
Thursdays 7 – 9p. The final exam will be half an exam
focused on the
third of the course, and half a cumulative exam. Exams will be
on a scale approximately (to be precisely determined by the
of each individual exam) given by
100 – 80% A
79 – 60%
59 – 40% C
39 – 20%
below 20% E
For your interpretive convenience, I will also give you an exam grade
into the decile scale. The exams will be challenging and will
thought and creativity (like the problems). They will not include
questions (like the exercises) hence the full usage of the grading
Occasionally you will be given anonymous feedback
Please use them to share any thoughts or concerns for how the course is
Remember, the sooner you tell me your concerns, the more I can do about
I have also created a . If we have not yet
this in class, please encourage me to create a class code. This
may also be accessed via our course page on
link entitled . Of course, you are always welcome to approach me
of class to discuss these issues as well.
Social Psychology
Wrong answers are important. We as individuals
learn from mistakes, and as a class we learn from mistakes. You
may not enjoy being wrong, but it is valuable to the class as a whole -
and to you personally. We frequently will build correct answers
through a sequence of mistakes. I am more impressed with wrong
answers in class than with correct answers on paper. I may not
say this often, but it is essential and true. Think at all times
- do things for reasons. Your reasons are usually more
interesting than your choices. Be prepared to share your thoughts
and ideas. Perhaps most importantly "No, that's wrong." does not
mean that your comment is not valuable or that you need to censor
yourself. Learn from the experience, and always try again.
Don't give up.
Academic Dishonesty
While working on homework with one another is
encouraged, all write-ups of solutions must be your own. You are
expected to be able to explain any solution you give me if asked.
Student Academic Dishonesty Policy and Procedures will be followed
should incidents of academic dishonesty occur.
Disability Accommodations
ºÚÁÏÍø will make reasonable accommodations for
persons with documented physical, emotional or learning
disabilities. Students should consult with the Director in the
Office of Disability Services (Tabitha Buggie-Hunt, 105D Erwin, and their individual faculty regarding any needed
accommodations as early as possible in the semester.
Religious Holidays
It is my policy to give students who miss class
of observance of religious holidays the opportunity to make up missed
You are responsible for notifying me by September 11 of plans to
a holiday.
Schedule (subject to change)
Monday, August 31 prelude: What is calculus? class mechanics
Wednesday, September 2 Chapter 0
Thursday, September 3 Lab 1
Friday, September 4 Average Rates of Change 1.1, 2.1 39
Monday, September 7 Labour Day - No Classes
Wednesday, September 9 Lab 3
Thursday, September 10 Lab 2
Friday, September 11 1.2 33, 35, 1.3 61
Monday, September 14 1.6 51
Wednesday, September 16 2.2 23, 35
Thursday, September 17 1.4 51, 53
Friday, September 18 Lab 5
Monday, September 21 Problem Set 1 due; 2.3 51
Wednesday, September 23 2.6 41
Thursday, September 24 2.4 25, 32
Friday, September 25 Lab 7
Monday, September 28 2.5 33
Wednesday, September 30 overview computing derivatives and limits
Thursday, October 1 3.1 13
Friday, October 2 Lab 9
Monday, October 5 overrun space
Wednesday, October 7 Problem Set 2 due; overrun space
Thursday, October 8 review for XM1
Thursday, October 8 7 – 9p, XM1 Welles 140
Friday, October 9 XM discuss
Monday, October 12 Fall Break
Wednesday, October 14 2.7 23
Thursday, October 15 3.7 28, 51
Friday, October 16 Lab 6
Monday, October 19 3.2 33
Wednesday, October 21 3.3 49
Thursday, October 22 3.4 37
Friday, October 23 Problem Set 3 due; 1.5 50
Monday, October 26 3.5 27
Wednesday, October 28 3.6 27, 3.8
Thursday, October 29 lab 8
Friday, October 30 2.8 38
Monday, November 2 Problem Set 4 due, overrun space
Wednesday, November 4 review for XM2
Thursday, November 5 review for XM2
Thursday, November 5
7 –
9p XM2 Welles 140
Friday, November 6 XM discuss
Monday, November 9 XM discuss
Wednesday, November 11 4.2 28, 4.3 30
Thursday, November 12 lab
Friday, November 13
4.4 52 Last day to withdraw from full semester courses
Monday, November 16 lab 12
Wednesday, November 18 4.5 25
Thursday, November 19 4.6 3
Friday, November 20 lab 18
Monday, November 23 Problem Set 5 due; 4.7 27
Wednesday, November 25
Thursday, November 26 November break
Friday, November 27
Monday, November 30 5.1 31
Wednesday, December 2 5.2 13
Thursday, December 3 5.3 33
Friday, December 4 lab 13
Monday, December 7 Cultural Consequences of Calculus
Wednesday, December 9 overrun space
Thursday, December 10 Problem Set 6 due; overrun space
Friday, December 11 review for final XM
Monday, December 14 review for final XM
Friday, December 18 12 – 3p final XM
Assignments at beginning of the semester for Calculus 221:
Opening day exercises (remember exercises are not graded)
If you want a taste of things, here are some sample questions of review
to think about:
§0.1 35, 43
§0.2 55, 60, 75
§0.3 41
§0.4 11
§0.5 41
And two lists of review topics (one shorter, and more focused, from two different sources) that we will briefly address in
on Tuesday:
functions: definition, domain, range, linear, quadratic, trigonometric, composite, tables or graphs
functions, domain, range, graph, f(x) piecewise, symmetry,
odd, increasing, decreasing
algebraic functions: linear, polynomials: coefficients,
quadratic, cubic, power, roots, reciprocals, rational functions
transcendental functions: trigonmetric, inverse trigonometric,
translation, contraction, dilation, reflection, arithmetic of
composition of functions
For Friday, September 4
Mandatory Paper
Why are you taking calculus? The correct answer is not
it is a requirement”. That is perhaps the start of the
If that is the start, then the rest of it is then in the question – why
calculus a requirement for you? One complaint about this might be
you do not know why you are taking calculus, in fact you do not
even know what calculus is. If this is so, I suggest reading
through the
article by Bergamini. (Which you should read in any case, but it
be helpful particularly in writing this paper.) Another important
is that you may not know how calculus would be relevant to your
discipline. I very strongly suggest finding someone (a professor,
working in an area you want to work, someone with some experience) and
them why you are taking calculus. This paper should be long
to answer the question and to indicate that you have an understanding
what calculus is and how it fits into your current and future
life. Please include a discussion of your recent mathematical
history . . . what classes have you taken previously? If you have
taken some calculus, why did you choose to take this class?
For Monday, September 21
Read “Suggestions to the Students” first
required to complete at least one of two options:
This is the outdated version of the problem set. The actual version is here. Please compare.
Problem Set 1A
1.2 4, 14, 28, 33
1.3 62, 65
1.4 56, 64
2.6 43
Problem Set 1B
1.2 6. 12. 26. 34
1.3 63, 64
1.4 50, 62
2.6 44