Senior Capstone Information

General Capstone Information

All Women’s & Gender Studies majors, minors, and concentrators must complete a senior capstone project.

There are four options for senior projects:

1) Completing a three-credit internship (which will be registered as WGST 495)

2) Completing the Senior Capstone Seminar class (WGST 490, 3 credits), which is cross listed with Black Studies and American Studies and generally offered each spring. This course involves 

3) Directed Study (3 credits) (in exceptional case)

4) Completing an honors thesis (WGST 493) (available to majors only)

All senior capstone projects must also be presented at Great Day--or a presentation to the WGST faculty/students if in the fall term--as part of the capstone completion requirement. 




Internships should be at organizations and on topics related to women’s and gender studies broadly speaking. Registering for WGST 495 requires creating learning outcomes that relate to women’s & gender studies, and which one can plausibly achieve given the nature of the internship and organization. As an intern, one will need a field supervisor (at the organization for which one is interning) and an academic supervisor (generally automatically the coordinator of WGST). Note that a 3 credit internship requires 120 hours of work over the entire semester. To learn more about how to register for an internship for credit at Geneseo, visit the Career Design Center's internship resources page.

Some More information on Internships: WGST Internships

WGST 490 Senior Capstone aims to offer a seminar-style learning experience on some advanced topic in women's and gender studies, with the main assignment for the course being independent research or creative project.


Honors Thesis


Honors thesis are only available to majors, and the intention is for a thesis to be a full year-long project. To take up an honors thesis, one must submit a thesis proposal to the Women’s & Gender Studies Advisory Committee for approval prior to beginning the thesis work.



Directed Study


In exceptional circumstances, students may obtain a waiver to complete a directed study as a capstone fulfilling experience. However, generally speaking, projects that would be taken up as directed studies should be taken up as the independent project in WGST 490 if one intends for that project to be one’s senior capstone. Pursuing a directed study requires finding a faculty member to supervise an independent project, so this option is best suited to those who already have a research relationship with a faculty member.