Geneseo Foundation Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships

DEADLINE: February 17, 2025, 8 a.m.

The opportunity for undergraduate students to participate in research has become an important part of Geneseo鈥檚 intellectual culture. Although many students participate in research during the academic year, the most intensive and rewarding work often occurs during the summer months when both the students and their faculty mentors can devote full effort to their research without the pressures of coursework and teaching. However, most students seek summer employment to pay for some of their college costs for the following year and are unable to participate in summer research unless they receive a stipend or wages. In responding to the need to provide additional opportunities for students to participate in summer research projects the Geneseo Foundation, in cooperation with the Research Council, sponsors undergraduate research fellowships for the Summer.

Full-Time Summer Fellowships

Geneseo Foundation Undergraduate Full-time Fellowships

Six $3,000 fellowships will be awarded for the summer. Recipients must devote two consecutive summer months to their research project and must work with a faculty sponsor. In addition, faculty sponsors are eligible to receive a $400 supplement if they do not have other forms of research support during the summer.

Part-Time Summer Fellowships

Geneseo Foundation Part-time Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships

Three $1,000 fellowships will be awarded for the summer. Recipients are expected to devote approximately three weeks of effort to their research project, but that effort may be less than full-time and spread over a longer period during the summer. Projects may begin as early as May 19 and end as late as August 22.  Undergraduates must work with a faculty sponsor.

Applicants can apply for both Full-time and Part-time Fellowships, but will only be awarded one.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Returning full time undergraduate student, at Geneseo, for the Fall 2025 semester
  • Cannot receive other summer grant support as wages or stipends
  • Two consecutive summer months of full-time effort must be devoted to the project
  • Award recipients must submit a final report of their completed research, including any planned conference presentation or publications, by October 31, 2025.
  • Additional Geneseo Foundation Fellowship Requirements:
    • minimum GPA of 3.00 in the major and 2.85 overall
    • completed a minimum of 30 semester hours of coursework

How To Apply

  1. Download: Application for Full-time Fellowship AND/OR Application for Part-time Fellowship
  2. Download the Faculty Support FormFollow instructions on form and forward to your faculty sponsor
  3. Complete the Application, save as a pdf with the filename format: lastname_firstname.pdf. The Research Council has developed this Rubric for Evaluation of Undergraduate Summer Fellowship applications.  The rubric may be used as a guide in preparing your application. 
  4. Complete the and upload your application

NOTE: All applications to the Geneseo Foundation Undergraduate Summer Fellowship will be considered for the prestigious Dr. Wendell and Barbara Rhodes Research Award.  This supplemental award of $600 will support research or field study.  Preference will be given to scholarly research combining a natural science and a social science, for example biology/sociology or geology/anthropology.  Funds may be used for any research-related expenses including student stipends. This award is funded through the Geneseo Foundation by an endowment established by Dr. Wendell and Barbara Rhodes.