2017-2018 Team
TEDx at ºÚÁÏÍø 2017-2018 Team

Simran Singh: Organizer
Simran Singh is a junior Biology major with a minor in Economics on the pre-medical track. Having been a Curator the last two years, Simran is returning to the TEDx team this year as the organizer. As a Multicultural Fellow, she understands the value of a global outlook, which is why she thinks of TEDx as a key resource in the spreading of ideas and broadening of perspective.
Beyond TEDx, She is not only an active member of ºÚÁÏÍø’s Healthguards, which is a group of student health educators associated with the wellness center on campus, but also an undergraduate researcher. In addition to the work that she does on campus, Simran recently attended the Clinton Global Initiative University Conference, which was held in Boston, Massachusetts for her initiative to create a program, Open Arms, for the children of human trafficking survivors in the area of Rochester, New York.
Emma Schneider: Head Curator
Emma is a junior Biology major with a minor in Environmental Studies. Emma is returning for her third year as a curator on the TEDx team and is excited for all the new ideas that will be discovered. Alongside TEDx she serves as Large Group Coordinator for the Geneseo InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. She is an avid dog lover, coffee shop explorer and loves spending time in nature, especially hiking high peaks. Emma loves the platform that TEDx provides which allows anyone to share the valuable information they have inside themselves in order to advance knowledge to all corners of the earth.
Victoria Cooke: Co-Curator
Victoria Cooke is a sophomore History major pursuing teaching certification in Adolescence Education. This is her second year on the TEDx team! Aside from TEDx, she is also the president of Voices for Planned Parenthood and a founding member of Her Campus at Geneseo. Her passions include feminism, reading, advocating for social justice, and crafting. In the future, Victoria aspires to change lives through education and ‘ideas worth spreading’
Hannah McSorley: Co-Curator
Hannah is a junior English Literature major, a lover of ideas, learning and language, and she aspires to be a writer in the future. This is her first year working with the TEDx ºÚÁÏÍø team, and is ecstatic she gets to work with such an ambitious group of her peers. When she is not studying she can be found working on short stories and the bits and pieces of what will hopefully become a novel. She feels strongly about the power of words to encourage others, and to shape ideas, thoughts, and therefore lives.
Julia McGaugh: Co-Curator
Julia is a freshman Psychology major with a minor in the Edgar Fellows Program. Aside from TEDx, she is a part of the Wayne Hall Council, GCAB, and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. In her free time she enjoys singing, playing her oboe, and hiking. She is thrilled to be a part of the TEDx team and to cultivate an innovative and inspired atmosphere on campus.
Molly Brady: Co-Director of Production & Logistics
Molly is a junior Neuroscience major with minors in Psychology and the Edgar Fellows Program. She has been involved with TEDx since her freshman year. Beyond TEDx, she is a member of Golden Key Honor Society, Phi Delta Epsilon Professional Medical Fraternity, and yoga club. You can find her around campus, coffee in hand, either in the library, conducting research, or looking for dogs to pet. She strongly believes in the spread of innovative and inspiring ideas through the platform TEDx provides.
Sofia Sackett: Co-Director of Production & Logistics
Sofia is a freshman Physics major aspiring to complete a cooperative engineering program through Geneseo. She spends her free time tutoring in a fourth grade classroom, running around the rugby field, and working her way through the Adirondack high peaks. Though this is her first year on the TEDx team, she hopes to learn how to present ideas in a meaningful way and to help spread insight to the campus community.
Troy Hallahan: Director of Public Relations, Marketing, & Communication
Troy is a junior Communication major and a Spanish minor. He is passionate about learning new ideas and educating others with new ideas. Additionally, he an avid coffee drinker, adventure enthusiast, and portrait photographer. This is his first year with TEDxSUNYGeneseo and looks forward to sharing a different perspective with the community!
Celeste Lim: Director of Technology
Celeste is a junior Biochemistry major on a pre-med track. She spends her free time running a food Instagram blog with her friends and her dwarf hamster’s Instagram. She is an active member of ºÚÁÏÍø’s Health Guards, who are student health educators associated with the wellness center on campus. Celeste is also part of Student Association Tech Services to learn more about stage management and to support other clubs and organizations on campus. She has been a part of TEDxSUNYGeneseo for the past three semesters and hopes to continue to hear others’ experiences and wisdom from a diverse group of intellects.