Identity Abroad Resources
The most common obstacles to studying abroad reported by students include financial support and concerns about the effect time abroad may have on their studies. For students whose families are not able to afford higher education without the help of financial aid and scholarships, study abroad can seem like an unnecessary, costly distraction from their studies. However, with careful program selection and planning, some study abroad programs can cost almost the same as a semester on campus.
The concept of supports the idea that just as everyone has their own unique identity, everyone deals with their own unique kinds of oppression. We might first of all think of race, class, gender, sexuality, and ability status intersecting to create a matrix of oppression and privilege. However, other factors, too, can influence a persons experience with oppression and privilege. To start thinking about navigating identities abroad, you may want to check out this created by Northwestern Global Learning. In addition, check out this, where Abbie Van Hook talks about reframing racial identity. Reflecting on her study abroad experience in Ghana, she suggests that racial identity is a bit more complex than one might initially believe and that we need to start “Unpacking my Baggage." Students who benefit from white privilege may also consider Gowri Chandra's blog post, "."
Information for:
- Asian American/ Pacific Islander students
- Black and African American students
- Dream-Act eligible (DACA) students
- First Generation students
- Hispanic/Latinx American students
- Indigenous students
- LGBTQ+ students
- Middle Eastern/North African students
- Military/Veteran students
- Multicultural students
- Non-Traditional students
- Religious and non-religious students
- Students with disabilities
- Women students
Financial Aid and Support
Financial aid received by students can be applied while studying abroad, and many students find that the programs they attend are comparable in cost to a semester at Geneseo.
Scholarships are available through Geneseo as well as other organizations, which are specific to Study Abroad and can help deal with added travel costs that students may have.
The actual costs of a semester or summer abroad will depend on the program, and Geneseo offers a wide range of options. Students should consult the individual for more specific cost estimates.
NAFSA has prepared an extensive resource page on available funding models for study abroad. The link is forthcoming.
Academic Planning
Students who enter Geneseo with a defined interest in Study Abroad can work with their academic advisors and the Study Abroad Office to ensure that a semester spent away will not prevent them from meeting the requirements of their major on time. Students should bring up the possibility of Study Abroad in their advisement meetings during their freshman year to make sure that they create space in their schedule.
For students who transfer to Geneseo or decide to study abroad later in their Geneseo career, can provide an opportunity to study abroad without missing a semester of classes. These alternatives to semester programs allow students to experience a global education without extending their time as an undergraduate. For students with limited financial support, this can be a crucial aspect of the decision to study abroad.
Discrimination Issues
Issues of discrimination on the basis of race, sexual orientation, religion, or gender vary from one country to the next. Researching the history of the country where you will be studying can provide you with an idea of how the people will relate to these issues, as well as the laws and public policies regarding discrimination. It is important to rely on your own judgement and experience when deciding where you will be comfortable.