Financial Liability Deadlines

When a student registers at Geneseo, they assume responsibility for paying all tuition and fees associated with their enrollment.  Adjustments to these charges may occur if class(es) are dropped, or a student takes a leave of absence or officially withdraws from the College within the published deadlines. 

The date used to determine financial liability for individual courses will be the date the student dropped the course(s) in myGeneseo.  For the fall & spring semesters, if a student drops a course but remains enrolled in 12 or more credits (full-time), there will be no adjustment to charges.  If you encounter problems with registration in myGeneseo, please contact the Registrar’s Office

The date used to determine financial liability for a Leave of Absence or Official Withdrawal will be the effective withdrawal date recorded by the Office of Enrollment Management.  

Students will not incur any financial liability for courses dropped before the start of an academic term.  The College Fee is nonrefundable beginning on the first day of classes for the term.  Tuition and the Comprehensive Fee will be adjusted as outlined in the schedules below.  The first week is defined as the first seven calendar days in the term.  For example, if the term starts on a Monday, the first week runs from Monday through the following Sunday.    

Fall/Spring Semester

Tuition & Comprehensive Fee 

Withdrawal by the end of:

  • First week: 0% liability 
  • Second week: 30% liability 
  • Third week: 50% liability 
  • Fourth week: 70% liability
  • Fifth week and after: 100% liability 

These are in accordance with SUNY policy.

Room Fee

Withdrawal Date:  

  • Within the first half of the semester: 50% liability of Room fees
  • After the first half of the semester: 100% liability of Room fees

Please contact Residence Life with any questions regarding this policy.  

Meal Plan 

Contact Campus Auxiliary Services (CAS) at 585-245-5648, or at  


Tuition & Comprehensive Fee

Withdrawal by the end of: 

  • 2nd day of semester: 0% liability 
  • First week of semester: 50% liability 
  • Second week and after: 100% liability 
Summer Session 

Tuition & Comprehensive Fee 

Full Session

Withdrawal by the end of: 

  • First week: 0% liability 
  • Second week: 30% liability 
  • Third week: 50% liability 
  • Fourth week: 70% liability 
  • Fifth week and after: 100% liability 

6 Week Courses (First and Second Half of Summer Session) 

Withdrawal by the end of: 

  • First week: 0% liability 
  • Second week: 70% liability 
  • Third week and after: 100% liability 

4 Week Courses (First Third, Second Third and Final Third of Summer Session) 

Withdrawal by the end of: 

  • 2nd day of semester: 0% liability
  • First week of semester: 50% liability 
  • Second week and after: 100% liability 

3 Week Courses (First Quarter of Summer Session) 

Withdrawal by the end of: 

  • 2nd day of semester: 0% liability 
  • First week of semester: 65% liability 
  • Second week and after: 100% liability 

Students who separate from the college (withdraw, take a leave of absence) must notify the Office of Enrollment Management by completing the appropriate form.  Leave of Absence and Withdrawal forms are available at /enrollment-management/leave-absence-or-withdrawal.  Students receiving federal financial aid should read the following section regarding the return of federal aid funds when considering separation from the college.

Return of Federal Financial Aid Policy

Federal law mandates how a school must compute the amount of federal financial aid that a student earns if they withdraw (officially or unofficially), take a leave of absence, drop out of school, or are dismissed prior to completing more than 60% of the semester. Specifically, the amount of federal financial aid that the student earns is based on the percentage of the semester completed. All unearned federal financial aid must be returned. Careful consideration should be given to the financial ramifications of separating from the college prior to completing 60% of the semester. Additional information regarding this policy is available from the Office of Student Accounts.