Astronomy Research at Geneseo - Steinhauer Group

Dr. Steinhauer has an active astronomical research program studying the properties of stars, particularly in open clusters and in conjunction with the .  The projects include photometric studies of clusters, as well as spectroscopic work focusing on how measurements of surface abundances of the light elements, particularly Lithium, can give insights into process that occur within.

Students get involved in these projects typically during ten-week summer research opportunities, processing and reducing photometric data of a cluster to determine fundamental parameters such as age, distance, interstellar reddening and metallicity. Students also routinely accompany Dr. Steinhauer on observing runs to Kitt Peak National Observatory using the WIYN 0.9m and telescopes and present poster papers at national conferences.


Steinhauer and students at Kitt Peak

Recent Refereed Journal Papers

  • 2023 -
  • 2022 -
  • 2021 -
  • 2020 -
  • 2020 -
  • 2020 -
  • 2018 -
  • 2017 -