
Small Business Development Center Mission and Vision

Major economic and political changes are transforming the world we live in. Far-reaching trade alliances and rapid changes in American industry size and trends are resulting in a more competitive economy here at home. America's economy is dependent of the vitality and strength of its small businesses. Small firms, able to respond quickly to market changes, create jobs and lead the way in the development of new technologies.

Entrepreneurs are visionaries and risk takers -- men and women who look to the future to make their dreams a reality. The job of the SBDC is to help entrepreneurs see all the possibilities and to offer them the tools and information they need to get the job done. By providing counseling, training and research assistance in the start-up, successful operation and expansion of small businesses and by facilitating export and technology development and transfer, SBDCs strengthen business and economic development throughout New York State.

Our Mission

To provide professional business advisement, education, and network resources and to advocate for small business and entrepreneurs.

Our Vision

To create economic sustainability for all New Yorkers – one business at a time.