Cash Boxes and Square Rental
- Students or groups can request use of a cash box through the Student Association Ticket Office between the hours of 10am-4pm in CU 113.
- The requestors will fill out the. Requestors will also have to sign a hardcopy authorization form. A combination of the lock will be given to the authorized person(s) making the request for the cash box. Additionally, requestors will be given a form to track sales. If tickets are to be used, the group will discuss ticket printing and sales arrangements with the SA Assistant Director.
- Only Student Association funded organizations may receive petty cash from the SA Assistant Director. All other recognized organizations must supply their own petty cash.
- The Ticket Office employees will not turn over the cash box to anyone other than authorized individuals with proper ID. Only the SA Assistant Director can make changes to the authorization.
- For all Student Association funded organizations: Organizations should make every attempt to sign the box in and out during regular Ticket Office hours for safe keeping. The last person to sign the cash box out from the Ticket Office accepts responsibility for the cash box.
- All monies, Income and Ticket Tracking Form, any unsold tickets should be turned in with the cash box. The SA Assistant Director will then deposit all money into the organization's account.
- The SA Assistant Director reserves the right to limit use of cash boxes as to number of boxes, location, times and reasons for use.
- Cash boxes normally should not be requested for an extended period of time.
Square Rental
- Students or groups can request use of the Square through the Student Association Ticket Office between the hours of 10am-4pm in CU 113.
- Students or groups will have to complete the
- Students or groups utilizing the Square must complete the PCI training included in the form. The Square may not be used without completing PCI training.
- All transactions, including cash, must go through the Square.
- The Ticket Office employees will not turn over the Square to anyone other than authorized individuals with proper ID. Only the SA Assistant Director can make changes to the authorization.
- The Square must be returned daily by 5pm and, if authorized to rent over the weekend, must be returned by 10am on Monday.