How to Register for Classes

Students in lecture hall

Students in the woods

Students in trading room

Online Registration

Incoming first-year and new transfer students will complete registration through the Office of Advising. Please visit the New Student Registration page for more information.

Class registration for returning students is completed using the student self-service platform . The Geneseo Wiki includes specific instructions and tutorial videos explaining . Students will also receive registration instructions at their Geneseo email address.

If you have any questions, please call the Registrar's Office at 585-245-5566 or email us at

Common Registration Questions

When can I register for classes?

New Students

Registration for incoming first year and new transfer students is coordinated by the Office of Advising. Please visit their New Student Registration FAQ page for further information and to get started with the registration process.

Returning Students

For returning students, access to online registration depends on the total of completed credit hours plus in-progress hours. More information is available on the registration information page. Log into the to confirm the day and time you may begin registration.

What does it mean if I have a registration hold?

If a hold has been placed on your registration because of outstanding financial or other obligations to the College, you will not be able to register until the hold is cleared.

You can view holds in the Student Records menu of KnightWeb. Outstanding financial obligations are able to be paid on KnightWeb using a credit card. Registration holds are updated every weekday between 6 pm and 9 pm.

What is an advising requirement?

Students who have required advisement (first-year students, first-semester transfers, students on academic probation, students with a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or lower) will not be able to register for classes until they meet with their advisor. 

If you have mandatory advising, you will have an advisement hold placed on KnightWeb. This will prevent registration but will not affect other areas of KnightWeb. Your advisor will remove the registration hold once an advisement meeting has taken place. Advising appointments should be scheduled well in advance of the registration window.

It is strongly recommended that all students consult with their academic advisor prior to registration. If you're not sure who your advisor is, you can find out via your .

How do I decide which classes to take, and when?

Talk to your advisor and take advantage of the information on the  page when planning your classes.  The master schedule contains important information relating to program requirements, class restrictions, linked courses, and block scheduling that is not available on .

Academic Peer Advisors are a great resource for helping you navigate the registration process and create a plan for registration.  Please consider making an appointment with a Peer Advisor to discuss your registration plan.

How do I know if a class is full or has a prerequisite?

Information on course requirements and availability can be found in . Select the term in which you want to take the course, then search for the course listing. 

How do I get into a class that requires permission or overload approval?

Students should contact the department offering the course for a permit or overload. Permits will be processed by the department secretary online, after which the student can add the course on KnightWeb. Please note that overloads will only be processed during the open registration period immediately before the start of the semester. 

How much is tuition?

Tuition and fees for fall and spring semesters can be found on the student accounts website.

For questions about tuition and fees, please email Student Accounts at

Where can I find out more about academic programs?

For program information and course requirements please refer to the for the current academic year. The Academics page and the Majors, Minors, and Degree Programs page also contain information about academic programs at Geneseo.

Can I take a course Pass/Fail?

General education and elective courses may be taken P/F.  More instructions and the request form are available.

How many credits can I register for?

All students are capped at 17 credits during advance registration and the first round of open registration for fall and spring.  When registration re-opens just before the semester begins, the credit cap will be raised to 19 for all students.

For Intersession, students will be capped at 5 credits.

How does the waitlist work?

Waitlists for fall and spring courses will open along with registration, but will close several weeks before the semester begins to allow departments to process overloads. For more information on waitlists, please see the Waitlist FAQs page.

How do I drop/withdraw from a class?

In the , click on "Register for classes."  Select the current term, then click the drop-down arrow next to the course you want to drop/withdraw from.  Select "Web drop/withdrawal," and click "Submit."

If KnightWeb will not allow you to drop a class, and you are within the add/drop/withdraw time frame, send and email to with your name, Geneseo ID number, and the CRN of the class.

students laughing

student at laptops

Other Registration Considerations

Final Exams

Since the final examination schedule is determined by regular class meeting times, students should, to the extent possible, avoid enrolling in class sections (including late afternoon and evening classes) that meet at times which would cause them to have three or four examinations on the same day.

"No Shows"

Please note that students who do not officially drop or withdraw from courses and do not attend class are still officially registered for the courses. As such, they may be obligated to pay outstanding tuition and fees, and may also be subject to a failing grade.

How to Register as a Non-Matriculated Student

Non-matriculated students are those not pursuing a degree at Geneseo. This could include students from other colleges seeking transfer credit, or people simply interested in taking one or more courses at the College. 

Undergraduate non-matriculated students not pursuing a degree at Geneseo can register for a limited number of credit hours (no more than 15 credits per semester and no more than 30 credits total). To maintain satisfactory academic standing in the College, non-matriculated students must earn at least a 2.0 grade point average in every semester in which they are enrolled and complete 50% or more of the credits for which they are registered. 

Non-matriculated students must fill out a . Once your application is processed, you will receive an email confirming your registration and login procedures.

Students with prior college credit from any institution pertaining to the requested course must include an unofficial transcript with their application. Applications received after the start of the requested course will not be accepted.


Other Types of Course Credit


Students seeking an internship should contact the Internship Coordinator in Erwin 116.

Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses

Students with strong academics may apply to enroll in a 500-level graduate course provided that half of the credit requirements of the degree program and two-thirds of the course and credit requirements of the academic major have been completed. Contact the Graduate Studies Office in Erwin 106 for more information.

Directed Study

Courses in which a student works under the guidance and supervision of a member of the faculty on a one-to-one basis (e.g., PSYC 391, ENGL 399) are not listed. Arrangements for these should be made by the student with the appropriate department and individual faculty member and submitted through the online . If a student needs to drop a directed study course, they must contact their professor to submit the request.

SUNY Cross-Registration

Geneseo students are welcome to cross-register for courses at other SUNY Campuses. Cross-registration is only available for the fall and spring terms; intersession and summer sessions are not covered by the cross-registration agreement. Start by submitting a Transfer Course Approval Form to the Advising Office, then fill out the  form.

Cross-Registration With Rochester Area Colleges

Full-time students at the College (i.e. those registered for at least 12 credit hours at Geneseo) may cross-register for additional course work at several colleges and universities in the surrounding area without paying additional tuition. Students may cross-register only when a course is never offered at Geneseo. Registration forms for Rochester Area Colleges (RAC) Inter-Institutional Undergraduate Student Enrollment.