Contract Procedures


To provide general guidelines for processing service contracts.


These procedures apply to all service contracts funded through state accounts.


In general, the following rules and regulations apply to the processing of requisitions for service contracts.  These are summarized in .  For more in-depth coverage on this procedure, please refer to Document 7553. 

Contracts between $5,000 and the approval levels set forth in Document 7553 that require more than two payments in a fiscal year must be encumbered by a Contract Encumbrance Request (AC-340) using the appropriate contract prefix.

Contracts up to the approval levels in Document 7553, which do not require more than two payments in a fiscal year, or contracts below $5,000 requiring any number of payments, may be encumbered either by a purchase order or an AC-340, at the option of the College.

Contracts must be signed by an authorized designee of the campus.  Certain contracts require outside agency approvals.

Last updated 11/10/2023