Procurement & Property Control Services
The mission of the Procurement and Property Control Services Department is to maximize the value received for each investment of College resources for the purchase of supplies, equipment, and services, and manage the inventory records for State and Research Foundation Equipment.
Procurement Services Profile
Procurement Services is responsible for purchasing all goods and services needed by the College in a timely manner, at competitive prices, of proper quality, and consistent with the needs of the College community, using State and Research Foundation funds. It is also responsible for facilitating and maintaining compliance with State University and State of New York policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. The Department also ensures State and Research Foundation procurement guidelines are followed and that New York State Certified Minority and Women Owned Businesses and Preferred Source suppliers are utilized to the greatest extent possible.
The Director and Associate Director of Procurement & Central Services serve as the official agents of the State to enter in to contracts with suppliers on behalf of the College for materials and services that are not available under a New York State Office of General Services (OGS) contract, SUNY System-wide contract, or from a New York State Preferred Source supplier. For commodities and services that are not available through an OGS or SUNY-wide contract, or a Preferred Source supplier, the Procurement Services Department develops solicitation documents and conducts competitive procurement processes to purchase on the open market. Procurements are initiated based on purchase requisitions received from the College's departments.
Property Control Services Profile
Property Control Services is responsible for maintaining the College's inventory records by conducting an annual physical inventory of State and Research Foundation owned equipment, and ensuring all changes to the inventory are reflected in the Property Control System (PCS) with accuracy and timeliness. The PCS is a database containing specific information about all SUNY equipment valued over $5,000 and having a useful life of two or more years. It includes items purchased from State operating funds, Research Foundation grants, Income Fund Reimbursable(IFR) accounts, Dormitory Authority funds, and items received as gifts to the College
Contact Us
Procurement & Central Services
Doty Hall 315, 1 College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: (585) 245-5100
Fax: (585) 245-5005
Business Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m., Mon-Fri