Anti-Sweatshop Procedure

Anti-Sweatshop Procedure


This procedure has been implemented to ensure compliance with the .


This procedure applies to all campus purchases, regardless of the campus source of funding used for payment (State, including IFR, DIFR, and Sutra accounts, Campus Auxiliary Services, Inc., other Agency accounts, Research Foundation, Geneseo Foundation, Geneseo Student Association).  All purchases of apparel and sports equipment by any/all campus personnel will require vendors to complete and sign a Certificate of Compliance with Fair Labor Conditions form to ensure the product purchased was produced in a manufacturing plant that adheres to “fair labor standards in connection with working conditions, compensation, employee rights to form unions and the use of child labor.”


Certificate of Compliance with Fair Labor Conditions Form

A Certificate of Compliance with Fair Labor Conditions form must be completed, signed by the intended vendor, notarized, and returned for the intended product(s), PRIOR to the order being placed.  By completing this form, the vendor is providing the College, Campus Auxiliary Services (CAS), Research Foundation, Geneseo Foundation, Geneseo Student Association or other affiliated organization, whichever is the purchasing or licensing entity, with the following:

(1)  Certification of Compliance with Fair Labor Conditions attesting that such apparel or sports equipment to be manufactured or to be manufactured using University marks was done in compliance with all applicable labor and occupational safety laws including, but not limited to, child labor laws, wage and hour laws and workplace safety laws; and

(2)   If known, (i) the names and addresses of each subcontractor to be utilized in the performance of the contract; (ii) the vendor and each subcontractor’s applicable state tax identification number; and (iii) all manufacturing plants utilized by the vendor or its subcontractors for the performance of the contract.

If a vendor refuses or is unable to complete the form, the order cannot be placed and a new source for the product(s) must be determined.

Restricted from Purchase with the Procurement Card

The purchase of apparel and sports equipment is restricted from purchase with a Visa Procurement Card.  Procurement Services may approve exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis for departments that can demonstrate a unique need that justifies the use of the P-card for these items.  However, any/all requests for an exception must be submitted to and approved by the Director or Associate Director of Purchasing & Central Services in advance of procuring the goods.  

Further, in the rare instances when a Visa procurement cardholder has been granted an exception to procure apparel or sports equipment with their P-card, they must require the vendor to complete and return a Certificate of Compliance with Fair Labor Conditions form PRIOR to placing the order.  The form is to be filed with the back-up documentation for the P-card transaction to which it pertains.  The Certificate of Compliance with Fair Labor Conditions form will be required during any/all audits conducted by the College, SUNY Administration, and/or the Office of the State Comptroller.  Failure to obtain this information may result in mandatory reimbursement by the individual to the State account. 


"Apparel" is defined as, but not limited to, the following: academic regalia, lab coats, uniforms (including sports, gym, staff uniforms, school uniforms), shoes (including athletic shoes or sneakers), sweatshirts, t-shirts, caps and hats.  Used clothing and apparel that is rented from an outside source is not covered by this policy.

 "Sports Equipment" is defined as, but is not limited to, the following: balls, bats and all other goods/equipment intended for use by those participating in sports and games.

Last updated 11/10/2023