Psychology Club Constitution
Last revised: October 2019
I. This club shall be called the Psychology Club of the State University of New York, College at Geneseo.
II. Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to perform three functions. Our first function is to provide information to undergraduates about important research or internship opportunities within the department and to explain the roadmap to achieving the major. The volunteering function is to help students become more involved in the community and promote psychology-related programs on campus. Our last function is to provide academic activities such as colloquiums and speakers for the students that they would not ordinarily receive in the classroom.
III. Membership
All members belonging to the organization named Psychology Club agree to uphold in the conduct of our affairs all regulations of the College and the State University of New York.
Membership in Psychology Club shall be open to all currently registered students at 黑料网.
Associate Members- College staff and faculty may have associate membership status. However, they may not have voting privileges.
All members agree that any involvement in an organization sponsored activity is voluntary. All members must affirm that the organization's executive board, advisor, and the college itself are not liable for any injury that may incur during any organization activity.
Student organizations are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or sexual orientation.
Membership Eligibility requirements
Members must be registered Geneseo students; associate members may be staff or faculty members of 黑料网's Psychology Department.
Student members must pay an annual fee of five dollars.
Hazing means any act, explicit or implicit, committed by a person, whether individually or in concert with others, against a student in connection with pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization or team and which is intended to have the effect of, or should reasonably be expected to have the effect of, humiliating, intimidating or demeaning the student or endangering the mental or physical health of the student, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. Hazing also includes soliciting, directing, aiding, or otherwise participating actively or passively in the above acts. (Approved by College Council Feb. 17, 2012) Organizations responsible for incidents of hazing may lose College registration and be excluded from the campus. There will be no hazing involved in the recruitment or maintenance process of membership.
Voting privileges shall be granted to currently registered students at 黑料网. Student members must pay dues in order to vote.
The responsibilities of all members shall include:
Attendance to meetings for the respective committee and all club meetings
Participation in meetings and events
Payment of annual dues
Membership may be revoked by a 陆 vote of officers plus 戮 vote from the general membership if actions are deemed inappropriate by the Student Code of Conduct, State and Federal Laws, and/or the organization constitution.
Dues: Members shall pay five dollar dues each year. The treasurer shall collect dues and deposit them in the club's account. If a student decides to join the club half-way through the semester, the student shall pay the full due amount, five dollars, to be a club member.
All members must be apart of one committee and they may choose which committee they would like to join.
IV. Officers
The officers shall be current registered 黑料网 students. The President and Vice President shall have completed at least one course in psychology to be eligible for office.
The officers of Psychology Club are:
President- He/she shall preside over meetings of the executive board and the general meetings of the club. He/she will have the power of appointing officers subject to the majority approval of the current officers. An additional responsibility is to coordinate, plan, and organize academic workshops.
Vice President- He/she shall preside over the meetings of the executive board and the general meetings when the president cannot attend. An additional responsibility is to preside over all of the committee chairs, providing them with the resources and assistance they may need. An additional responsibility is to coordinate and execute fundraisers, both for profit of the club and for donations to various organizations, and will be responsible for the paperwork for such events.
Secretary- The secretary shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the executive board and general meetings of the Psychology Club. The secretary will also perform all clerical duties pertaining to the office. The Secretary will also be responsible for the Student Affairs Committee and will act as a social coordinator.
Treasurer- The treasurer shall receive, pay out, and generally be the custodian of the Psychology club funds. He/she will be the primary and only contact for reimbursements or other club-related financial activities.
Publicity Coordinator - He/she shall help spread awareness about club-related activities or events. He/she will also attend Academic Affair Committee meetings to report our events and activities to other clubs on campus. An additional responsibility is to serve as the committee chair to the Web Design Committee.
Department Representative(s) - They will attend the biweekly department meetings and report back to the other officers the major points of interest from each meeting. They will also be responsible for explaining to the department any relevant Psychology Club activity or project. He/she will also attend the Academic Affair Committee meeting to report our events and activities to the other clubs.
Volunteer Coordinator - He/she will be responsible for recruiting members and non-members for fundraising events or volunteering opportunities (Bridge, ARC, etc.) He/she will serve as the committee chair for the Volunteer Committee. He/she will organize fundraising events and will be responsible for the paperwork for such events.
Tutoring Chair- He/she will be responsible for running the tutoring program.
All officers shall be voted on by club members at the last full meeting of the academic year. For eligibility, all officers must pay annual club dues and be current registered 黑料网 students.
Officers are responsible for going to their assigned committee meetings in addition to all member Psychology Club and officer meetings. Officers shall report important and relevant information at all member and officer meetings. He/she will lead bi-weekly meetings with the committee, in addition to attending bi-weekly eboard meetings.
Officers are required to attend three social, fundraising and/or volunteering events outside of regular meetings every semester. Officers are required to attend every open and officer meeting. Officers that do not meet these requirements will have to reapply for their position in an open election at the end of the semester.
Removal procedures shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Revised Edition, except when surpassed by the constitution.
Officers may vote upon existing members to fill a vacancy among the officer positions.
V. Committees
Committees may be dissolved and created ad hoc.
Existing committees include:
The Event Planning Committee will work on planning one event per month, led by the existing Vice President as the committee chair. Such events include, but are not limited to, a mental health awareness walk, suicide awareness vigil, etc. The organization of workshops, however, will be the responsibility of the President. It is the responsibility of the committee to book the room that the event will take place, secure any necessary supplies, coordinate with any potential guests, and work with the Publicity Coordinator to advertise the event. (Spring 2018)
The Web Design Committee will work on improving the existing Psychology Club page, led by the Publicity Coordinator as the committee chair. Projects will vary based on need. The head of the committee will undergo the necessary CIT training. (Spring 2018)
The Volunteer Committee will provide volunteer resources for the student body, led by the existing volunteer coordinator as committee chair. The committee presents rather than facilitates off and on-campus volunteer opportunities. They will work with the Web Design committee for better representation on the Psychology department and club website. (Spring 2018)
VI. Elections
Only full-time, due paying students may serve as officers.
Eligible members will include only those who have attended three or more Psychology Club-related events outside of open meetings.
Officer elections are held at the last yearly full meeting of the Psychology Club. All positions are reset at the end of the year and every position is open to every member.
Members volunteer to officer positions, and officers will vote on them in a fair manner that is not discriminating or embarrassing. Voting is always anonymous and the elected President will notify the new officers after voting is complete.
Impeachment proceedings against any officer may be called by any officer. The club advisor must oversee all impeachment proceedings.
Active committee members and eboard members will have the advantage of being considered for open eboard positions before the general student body.
VII. Advisor
The faculty advisor is assigned and agreed upon by the Psychology department chair and faculty in a meeting prior to the academic year for which the advisor is assigned.
The faculty advisor shall be a full-time professor of the Psychology department.
The faculty advisor is expected to help the club by suggesting potential activities, acting as a liaison between the students and faculty, and offering advice for any problematic issues within the club.
The Psychology department chair and faculty have the power to change the club advisor, not the students.
VIII. Meetings
Officers shall vote on how frequently they would like to have open and officer meetings. Meetings shall take place within the Psychology Department or elsewhere on campus grounds, depending on space availability.
Committees will meet bi-weekly with their committee heads. Meetings shall take place within the Psychology Department or elsewhere on campus grounds, depending on space availability.
All club members will meet once per month. This meeting shall take place within the Psychology Department or elsewhere on campus grounds, depending on space availability.
Members shall be aware of meetings by emails sent to the club and college campus. Flyers may also be posted in the Psychology Department and elsewhere if needed.
The executive board and several non-officer club members are needed to conduct business.
IX. Finances
The Treasurer is responsible for handling the club's budget.
The funds are deposited in a SA non-funded account.
Funds shall be used to support club events (supplies, food, etc.) and for fundraisers.
X. Amendments
The constitution may be amended if it is challenged by an officer.
Amendments must be approved by all of the members of the executive board.
XI. Ratification
Ratifications of the constitution must be approved by all of the members of the executive board.
An updated constitution must be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Organizations immediately.
XII. Liability and Travel
Before each event requiring student transportation:
A travel form must be filled out online prior to travel
Drivers and Passengers must sign and submit a Student Organization Request for Travel Form
These forms must be submitted to the Department of Student Life prior to travel.
At the beginning of each academic year, or upon joining Psychology Club, members must sign a liability waiver and return it to the Department of Student Life (only use if applicable).