Political Science and International Relations Clubs
Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Dr. Jeff Koch, with students in front of the White House as part of the department's annual trip to Washington, D.C in September, 2023.
College is more than just academics. Use the most of your time here at Geneseo. Join a club, broaden your horizons, and make new friends. The Political Science and International Relations Department has a variety of different options. Take a look for yourself.
Model United Nations
Model UN here at Geneseo seeks to educate students about international politics and diplomacy. They attend several conferences, hold on-campus events, have educational meetings, and participate actively in new member recruitment. A major objective of the organization is to empower students by improving their public speaking and research skills. They also make special efforts to reach out to the campus community- in order to bring matters of international politics to a wider audience. The department provides financial support to students to attend Model UN conferences in exciting locations such as Boston, Toronto, Chicago, and more!
Advisor: Professor Anand Rao, rao@geneseo.edu
Club Email: mun@geneseo.edu
International Relations Club
The International Relations Club organizes conferences and symposia on topical international issues, assists students in finding and developing internship and study abroad opportunities, and undertakes other activities and programs with an international component. Meetings are held weekly to discuss international issues as well as general aspects of the International Relations major at Geneseo. Current projects include developing a regular foreign film night and hosting international students in New York State.
Advisor: Professor Anand Rao, rao@geneseo.edu
Club Email: irclub@geneseo.edu
Political Affairs Club
The Political Affairs Club at Geneseo sponsors political debates, facilitates absentee voting by students, organizes a student/faculty mixer, travels to Washington, DC. Through participation in these club activities, students learn in depth about particular political problems and issues; develop skills in group planning, group cooperation, public speaking, and writing; and develop self-confidence.
Advisor: Professor Koch
Advisor Email: koch@geneseo.edu
Club Website: Political Affairs Club
Other Clubs of Interest
- College Democrats
- College Republicans
- Amnesty International
- Progressive Student Coalition
- Legal Affairs Club
- Federalist Society