Legal Studies Minor

Coordinator: Aaron Herold (Fraser 107b,

黑料网 the Minor

The Legal Studies minor provides the interested student the opportunity to gain a substantive theoretical and critical background in the study of law broadly understood. Students pursuing this minor will study the social, political, constitutional, and philosophical dimensions of law, as well as various specific legal issues and problems in areas such as international law, business law, criminal law, constitutional law, and public policy.

Some of the classes in the minor may have been added to the minor after your arrival at Geneseo. If so, you will also need a waiver from Professor Herold, and should request one indicating that you wish this particular class to count toward electives. The same goes for slot, experimental and new classes (such as MGMT 363 and 364).

To get a waiver, email with your full name, your G#, and the course for which you seek a waiver (prefix, number and title). This should be after completion of the course, unless you are in your final semester at Geneseo (in which case you should indicate this).

Total Credits Required: 21 credits

Basic Requirements: 3 credits: One of the following courses: PHIL 377 Philosophy of Law or PLSC 375 Politics of the Judicial Process

Electives: Six courses from the following: 18 credits (students may need to complete prerequisites for courses marked with asterisks)

  • AMST 262 American Indian Law & Public Policy (cross-listed with HIST 262)
  • COMN 355 Contemporary Problems in the Freedom of Speech*
  • MGMT 263 Business Law I
  • MGMT 264 Business Law II
  • PHIL 216 Reasoning and the Law
  • PHIL 377 Problems in the Philosophy of Law (if not applied toward the basic requirement)
  • PLSC 375 Politics of the Judicial Process (if not applied toward the basic requirement)
  • PLSC 415 Legislative Process*
  • PLSC 418 Constitutional Law*
  • PLSC 419 Constitutional Rights and Liberties*
  • PLSC 440 International Law and Organization*
  • PLSC 442 Human Rights in a Global Perspective*
  • SOCL 250 Sociology of Deviance counts as an elective by waiver
  • SOCL 310 Sociology of Law
  • SOCL 317 (or 381) Gender and Law*
  • SOCL 347 Criminology & Juvenile Delinquency *
  • MGMT 363: Employment Law and MGMT 364: Cyber-Law count as electives by waiver.


  • Each course may apply only once to the minor.
  • At least 9 credits must be unique to the minor.
  • Students must take courses from at least three different prefixes.
  • Students must apply a minimum of three courses at the 300 or 400 level toward the minor.