Academic Program
Academic Program
The neuroscience major curriculum at Geneseo was designed with appreciation for the essential role that basic sciences and mathematics play in building the foundation of knowledge for this integrative field.
Neuroscience is one of the College's newest, most progressive and most rigorous programs. It is offered with cooperation from the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Psychology. Students develop a strong sense of camaraderie and the environment is highly supportive. Students in the major are assigned to a Neuroscience faculty member as their academic advisor, but may then subsequently choose any faculty member as their advisor in an effort to help them best meet their individual educational goals.
Because of the extensive curriculum overlap with Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Psychology, students in the Neuroscience program are not allowed to declare any of these four as a second major.
Major Requirements
Biology requirements are two semesters of general biology with a lab and a genetics course. Chemistry requirements are two semesters of general chemistry with a lab, as well as two semesters of organic chemistry with a lab. Psychology requirements are the introductory psychology course, introduction to behavioral research methods, introduction to behavioral statistics, and biological basis of behavior. Calculus I is also required through the mathematics department.
The curriculum also includes a required course in neuroscience laboratory techniques, and an additional on-line course allowing students to learn elements of other laboratory procedures relevant to the field. All students must also complete 4 credit hours of research assistantship, working under the direction of a faculty mentor conducting research relevant to the major. A required applications course allows students to use their developing understanding of neuroscience in a practical format, working in the local community. Finally, a senior seminar is required, in which students can share knowledge and experiences, as well as prepare for entering medical school, graduate programs, or the applied field of neuroscience after graduation.
In addition to the specific program requirements, students will also take courses in the humanities, fine arts, and social sciences, giving them a solid liberal arts background. Detailed curricula will be arranged in consultation with individual faculty advisors to meet the needs of each student in the program. For more specific information regarding course requirements, please consult our sheet and the college Undergraduate Bulletin.