George Marcus

Associate Professor
ISC 228A1

George Marcus has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2006.

Portrait of George Marcus

Office Hours (Spring 2024)

I'm available for Student Assistance Hours (aka office hours) in person or via Zoom.

Monday 10:30-11:30
Tuesday 2:00-3:00
Wednesday 9:30-10:30
Thursday 8:30 - 9:30

And potentially other times by appointment if the above times don't work

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., Physics; Stanford University

  • A.B., Physics Magna Cum Laude with highest honors; Harvard University

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My current areas of research include particle time-of-flightenergy spectroscopy, optical properties of aerosol particles, tabletop quantum mechanics using correlated photons, Passively coupled in-vivo force sensors and nitrogen vacancy magnetometry. 


  • PHYS 104: Sustainable Energy - Lec

    This course addresses methods of producing sustainable energy, especially those that are carbon-neutral and have a decreased impact on global warming and climate change. Energy generation from wind, water, solar, geothermal, fusion and fission processes, and biofuels will be discussed. Examples of these types of energy production methods will be demonstrated in the lab and at Geneseo's eGarden field station. Student experiments will be performed each week and there will be a final project assigned to small working groups.

  • PHYS 104: Sustainable Energy - Lab

    This course addresses methods of producing sustainable energy, especially those that are carbon-neutral and have a decreased impact on global warming and climate change. Energy generation from wind, water, solar, geothermal, fusion and fission processes, and biofuels will be discussed. Examples of these types of energy production methods will be demonstrated in the lab and at Geneseo's eGarden field station. Student experiments will be performed each week and there will be a final project assigned to small working groups.

  • PHYS 362: Intermediate Laboratory

    Devoted to the understanding of some of the classic experiments in physics. Experiments are from all fields of physics, but particular attention is given to experiments which complement courses being taken concurrently.