Global Languages and Cultures Clubs, Honor Societies and Organizations
Clubs and Organizations
La Casa Hispánica (Spanish Club)
Club enterprises include meetings, service projects, movies in Spanish, and other special activities. There are no requirements for becoming a member of the club; anyone who is interested can join.
Contact: Faculty Advisor: S. Castillo-Rodriguez
President: Liz O’Connell
Vice President: Jess Mattioli
Treasurer: Destiny Mincak
Secretary: Autumn Bieber
Public Relations & Academic Affairs Coordinator: Lily Shields
Le Cercle Français (French Club)
The club promotes French language and culture on campus and welcomes all students interested in the francophone world. Activities include meetings, films, and various other social and academic events. Contact Faculty Advisor: Elizabeth McManus.
Chinese Culture Club
Geneseo Chinese Culture Club home page
To educate both students and the public on the many traditions inherent in the Chinese culture. Faculty Advisor: J. Tang.
Der Deutsche Verein
Der deutsche Verein is the German Club at SUNY-Geneseo. The club is devoted to the promotion of German language and culture on campus and is for all students interested in anything having to do with German-speaking countries. One need not speak German to enjoy the club's activities. Activities include regular meetings, films on campus, visiting German restaurants and group discussions on a wide variety of topics ranging from German politics to current trends. Faculty Advisor: C. Klima.
Latino Students Association (LSA)
Latino Students Association home page
Offers the opportunity to learn about Hispanics and their cultures and to practice speaking Spanish.
Honor Societies
The purpose of Pi Delta Phi is to recognize outstanding scholarship in the French language and its literature; to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world; and to stimulate and encourage French cultural activities. Undergraduate and graduate students who meet all of the following criteria are eligible for consideration to be inducted as a Regular Member: successful completion of at least one semester of upper-division French (i.e., beyond the intermediate level), minimum GPA of 3.0 in French, minimum GPA of 3.0 overall, rank in upper 35% of class, sophomore standing (must have attended at least one year of college and be in at least second year of university study). The organization also offers Honorary Membership to faculty, diplomats and community leaders who have shown strong support of French. Students who are interested in being inducted, but do not meet the criteria for Regular Membership, are eligible to become Honorary Members. Faculty Advisor: Beverly Evans.
Membership in Sigma Delta Pi, the National Spanish Honor Society, is by invitation to students who meet the following criteria: declared major in Spanish, junior standing, have taken at least one course in Spanish literature or civilization, have achieved a 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.3 GPA in Spanish courses. Faculty Advisor: Wesley Costa.
Recognizes outstanding ability and high standards of students and faculty of foreign languages, literatures and cultures, including Classics, Linguistics, Philology, Comparative Literature, and Bilingual Education. It is the highest academic honor in the field of foreign languages. PSI has initiated over 45,000 members since its foundation in 1917, and it created and supports numerous Scholarship Programs. Criteria for undergraduate induction: Student of junior or senior standing who is pursuing a curriculum with concentration in foreign languages with at least three hours of French, Spanish, German, Latin, or Italian at the 300 level; who has a GPA of at least 3.0; and who is currently enrolled at SUNY-Geneseo. Criteria for graduate induction: Student must have completed one full semester of graduate work towards an M.S.Ed. in foreign languages; must have GPA of at least 3.3. Faculty Advisor: Cynthia Klima.