
Turkey Roles- Women's Doubles Ping Pong |

Balls of Fury- Men's Doubles Ping Pong |

Balls of Fury- Singles Ping Pong |

Finish Your Shift- Co-ed Floor Hockey |

Phi Kap- Men's Floor Hockey |

Not so Nice Knights- Women's Broomball |

The Breakfast Club- Men's Broomball |

Finish Your Shift- Co-ed Recreational Broomball (1) |

Sweeping Beauties- Co-ed Recreational Broomball (2) |

The Breakfast Club- Co-ed Competitive Broomball |

SDT/Phi Kap- Co-ed Flag Football |

Basketball- Men's Flag Football |

Brass Monkeys- Men's Outdoor Soccer |

TFS- Co-ed Outdoor Soccer |

Block Party- Co-ed Volleyball |

Pirates of the Pancreas- Men's Volleyball |

Six Six Six- Men's Badminton |

Deephs- Women's Volleyball |

Soft Serve- Women's Badminton |

Arctic Birdies- Co-ed Badminton |

We Cheat to Win- Co-ed Basketball

Wait on It- Men's Competitive Basketball

Phi Kap- Men's Recreational Basketball

Not so (N)ice Knights- Women's Broomball

We Cheat to Win- Co-ed Competitive Broomball

Little Lebowski- Co-ed Recreational Broomball

Little Lebowski- Men's Broomball

We Cheat to Win- Co-ed Dodgeball

Phi Kap- Men's Dodgeball

We Cheat to Win- Doubles Racquetball

The Shogun!- Single's Racquetball

Thundercats- Men's Kickball |

Suck My Kick- Co-ed Kickball |

We Cheat to Win- Women's Kickball |

Little Lebowski- Men's Softball

Little Lebowski- Co-ed Softball |

Brass Monkeys- Men's Indoor Soccer |

We Cheat to Win- Co-ed Indoor Soccer |

TFS- Women's Indoor Soccer |

Phi Kap- Men's Wiffleball |

Little Lebowski- Co-ed Wiffleball |

Women's Golf- Men's Kan Jam |
Team Windy- Co-ed Kan Jam |