GROW STEM at Geneseo
GROW STEM at Geneseo
Geneseo Reaching Out to Women and under-represented groups in STEM
GROW STEM is a networking group on campus that is open to all students and aims at raising awareness regarding difficulties that women and under-represented groups can face in their career in STEM fields.
The general goals of this group are to educate our students, faculty and staff on such issues, identify what the issues are, how to deal with them, and most importantly, how we can help improve the situation. Every semester, conferences, panel discussions and activities are organized to explore different topics such as implicit biases, mentoring, and work-life balance.
Previous Guest / Invited Speakers and Workshops
- Title IX with Tamara Kenney, campus Title IX Coordinator (Spring 2020)
- Tier-Mentoring (every semester)
- Steven Villanueva (Fall 2018)
- Prof. Amanda Bryant-Friedrich (Spring 2018)
- Information on Title IX with Tamara Kenney (Spring 2018)
- Status of Women and Minorities in STEM with Provost Robertson (Spring 2018)
- Prof. Catherine Cerulli (Fall 2017)
- Career Workshop with Rob DiCarlo (Fall 2017)
- Workshop on Impostor Syndrom with Dr. Sutherland (Fall 2017)
- Prof. Reginald Byron (Spring 2017)
- Workshop on Implicit Bias (Spring 2017)
- Dr. Phillip Ortiz (Fall 2016)
- Panel Discussion on Careers in STEM (Fall 2016)
- Workshop on Networking in STEM with Dr. Amy Marschilok (Fall 2016)
- President Denise Battles (Spring 2016)
- Panel Discussion on Work-Life Balance (Spring 2016)
- Workshop on the Elevator Speech (Spring 2016)
- Steven Villanueva (MIT and Ohio State University) (Fall 2018): just obtained his Ph.D. in Astronomy. He works on exoplanets and instrumentation in astronomy. He is also involved in increasing the participation of hispanic people in science.
- Grants and Scholarships for Women and Underrepresented Minorities in STEM
GROW STEM Faculty Organizers
Dr. Melissa Sutherland (MATH), Dr. Anne Pellerin (PHYS), and Dr. Josephine Reinhardt (BIOL).
Grow STEM Student Club
President: Sarah Ostrowski
Vice President: Nicole Lallier
Treasurer: Dominique Cesario
Secretary: Kallah Eddy
Social Media / Publicity: Nicole Gindling
Faculty Advisor: Anne Pellerin
Social Media