

So What Exactly Is Hazing?

College policy defines hazing as any act, explicit or implicit, committed by a person, whether individually or in concert with others, against a student in connection with pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization or team and which is intended to have the effect of, or should reasonably be expected to have the effect of, humiliating, intimidating or demeaning the student or endangering the mental or physical health of the student, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. Hazing also includes soliciting, directing, aiding, or otherwise participating actively or passively in the above acts

(Approved by College Council Feb. 17, 2012)

But how do you know if an activity is hazing? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is alcohol involved?
  • Will active/current members of the group refuse to participate with the new members and do exactly what they're being asked to do?
  • Does the activity risk emotional or physical abuse?
  • Is there a risk of injury or a question of safety?
  • Do you have any reservation describing the activity to your parents, to a professor, or College official?
  • Would you object to the activity being photographed for the school newspaper or filmed by the local TV news crew?

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," the activity is probably hazing.

The following list contains just a few examples of hazing activities. The list is by no means all-inclusive.

How to Report Hazing?

There are a number of ways to report a suspected hazing or suspicious behavior

In an emergency contact: University Police (585) 245-5222

Dean of Students: (585) 245-5706

Fraternal Life office: (585) 245-5968

University Police Silent Witness Program

More Information

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