Running GAGG Info

Running GAGG is a convention run for gamers by gamers. We work to make a weekend of fun enjoyable by the most experienced role-player to the mere interested novice. Here are a few of the events that we will be featuring at this year's virtual convention:

  • Many special guests
  • Numerous Role-playing events of your favorite systems
  • A Charity Auction with ALL the proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House of Rochester.

Meet new people, make new friends and most importantly have fun!!!

How do I get more information? Squirrels playing instruments

Simple: Several ways...

On the web: Check out the  or .

On campus: Attend a GAGG meeting on Wednesday nights at 8:00 p.m.

Off campus: Email the Running GAGG account (

So what's a "Con" anyway?

By now you've probably heard the term "con" or "convention" tossed about pretty casually with regards to Running GAGG...but you may be unsure of what a gaming convention actually is.

RunningGAGG is a gaming convention. In normal times, we take over the entire College Union and play games. What do we mean by this? Well, you start by registering at the convention (or, preferably, pre-registering online). This allows you to reserve spots (in the case of pre-registering) or just get into the convention (in the case of registering on-site). After this, you begin attending what we call "events" which we mean games (or watching anime...if you're into that sort of thing). This can be anything from an role-playing game to a board-game to a collectible card game. Virtually in 2021, we will do it all online!

I Still Don't Get It!

Ever wondered what we've called previous conventions? Curious about what on earth goes on in the heads of those who put this convention together? Well, you've come to the right place. This is a repository for all knowledge past, present and future that we think you just might not get. If have a question that isn't answered here, send us an email.

Previous Conventions

  • Running GAGG I - The first Running GAGG. 1997
  • Running GAGG II - "Squirrel's Revenge": The second Running GAGG.
  • Running GAGG III - "The Quest for the Holy Nut": Monty Python Squirrels.
  • Running GAGG IV - "No Nuts, No Glory": Military squirrels.
  • Running GAGG V - "Who Let the Nuts Out?": Insane asylum.
  • Running GAGG VI - "Lord of the Nuts": Lord of the Rings. With squirrels.
  • Running GAGG VII - "Psi-Phi-Nut": Science fiction, space squirrels.
  • Running GAGG VIII - "Winter Hoarding": The squirrels are hungry.
  • Running GAGG IX - "Convention in a Nutshell" : Ninja Turtle Squirrels.
  • Running GAGG X - "X" : X-Squirrelmen
  • Running GAGG XI- "Squirrel Tap: This Con Goes to Eleven": Play off of Spinal Tap, rock and roll Squirrels.
  • Running GAGG XII - "The Die is Cast": Ancient Rome, squirrel gladiators.
  • Running GAGG XIII - "Nut of the Living Dead": Zombies, undead squirrels.
  • Running GAGG XV - "The Search for Running GAGG XIV": Time Travel Theme.
  • Running GAGG XV - "A Glitch in the Matrix": Matrix Theme
  • Running GAGG XVI - "Apocalypticon": Will 2012 be our last convention?
  • Running GAGG XVII - "A Con You Can't Refuse" You better be here...
  • Running GAGG XVIII - "An Esteamed Convention" Steampunky!
  • Running GAGG XIX - "The Shadow Over Geneseo" Cthulu
  • Running GAGG XX - "The Best Con Yeti" In honor our founding Yeti (Bruce)
  • Running GAGG XXI - "Do Androids Dream of Electric Squirrels?" Cyberpunk
  • Running GAGG XXII - "Written in the Stars" Fortune Teller
  • Running GAGG XXIII - "It's dangerous to game alone" Retro Gaming
  • Running GAGG XXIV - "The Dice Must Flow" Dune theme
  • Running GAGG XXV - "The Virtual CONtagion" our first virtual con
  • Running GAGG XXVI - "Walking GAGG" another virtual con
  • Running GAGG XXVII - "The Greatest Show" Circus Theme
  • Running GAGG XXVIII - "How to Train your Squirrel to Train your Dragon" Dragon Theme
  • Running GAGG XXIX - "Where the Wild Squirrels Are"